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Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

We had already tried one fetish club (Deca Bar Z) while on holiday in Tokyo and we thought it was the most outlandish antics we had ever experienced.

…we were wrong.

We were not at all prepared for the series of bizarre and thoroughly mysterious experiences that followed…

Oh, how little we know

I was excited to get on the plane, but this was actually my boyfriend’s dream destination, and since I know about flying like a five-year-old flying a fighter jet, he ended up doing 99% of the research and planning.

That’s how we ended up in the H department.

In our minds, this is just another monthly thing for friends to get together and have fun.


We somehow forgot we were in Japan, the home of maid cafes, raw horse meat and rabbit islands. We were like kids at the Oscars – delighted by the shiny surroundings and high-energy atmosphere, but unaware of what we were actually participating in.

There are lots of transvestites and drag queens.

The first thing we learned was the ticket price Significantly It’s cheaper if you wear the right clothes.

We ran to the 10-story sex shop we had found in Akihabara a few days earlier and bought some cheap accessories to drape over my leather skirt to try and cover up my boyfriend’s dark casual clothes. Then, we hopped in a taxi, praying that it would be easy to find in our platform high heels.

Arriving at a dark back street

The entrance to this little street is easy to find, thanks to a group of stylish eccentrics guiding you (The location is really unremarkable).

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951562 791 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party
Image credit: Google Maps – Kinema Club

There were latex outfits of every color, a surprising amount of streetwear, and lots of large bags or backpacks stuffed with clothing.

The couple behind us were changing their coats while the drag queen host was walking around in the crowd Make sure people don’t get naked preemptively. The man and woman are magically transformed—she into a mesh leotard, thong, and bright neon pink wig, while he is transformed into a rubber butcher’s apron and combat boots.

notes: Remember this couple, we will see them again later.

Soon after, a Japanese woman swaggers down the street, her man following respectfully two steps behind her. Both are dressed in what can only be described as urban fashion in white.

She walks like “I’m better than all of you and you have to worship me” (OMG, she’s all dolled up, Keep fluffing your hair.

My boyfriend smiled and whispered to me, “I know what you want to do to her.”

He either saw my expression or read my mind. Or both.

Three words…

She. Naked. Cage.

It’s fun to go inside…

As soon as the time of departure arrived, the team rushed forward.

Checked the tickets… passport.

We saw online (thankfully) that they wanted these, but the butcher and the neon pink couple didn’t have any. After some pleading, they entered the elevator, which dropped off a group of eager guests to the next room.

Upstairs welcome includes:

  • Almost naked man in glass case
  • Drag queen wearing lizard bird leg suit/stilts
  • Another drag queen, whose heels and wig easily make her 7 feet tall
  • A row of people with big anime heads and wearing schoolgirl uniforms
Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 29 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

The night started off well enough.

Unfortunately, my boyfriend was charged a full price ticket due to his inappropriate attire. Well, we kind of expected that. After the official ticket collection and stamping was completed, we were free to explore the venue.

Oh my god, this place is huge. – The entire theater, complete with upper area/balcony, worn stage, and couch seating.

These decorations were either made 30 years ago or A damask monster sprays red, yellow and brown onto all the walls and interior decorations And then thought, “Hey, you know what Production This? Dirty marble and wood paneling.

It’s a visual assault on the eyes.

This is awesome.

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 935 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

There’s a place in the corner where you can buy blenders – just one of the many reasons why this place is unique…

BYOB is totally (and encouraged).

They were unable to obtain a license to sell alcohol, so they only sold soft drinks and provided free ice to customers. no However, getting drunk at any fetish event is encouraged, even this one.

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 661 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

We found a seat in the front of the balcony and watched others trickle in. It had everything you could imagine…

There are elderly Japanese men in sleazy women’s clothing, furry animal costumes, lascivious uniforms, things that look like fast food mascots standing on the sidewalk, people covered head to toe in latex or rubber, cosplay, ball gowns, spandex, unidentifiable interpretive clothing, and a truckload of thongs or spanking pants.

This is indeedWear anything. You fucking want it”.

This is an upgraded version of Halloween. I felt completely naked.

I have always been the most avid BDSM dresser or costume enthusiast, but now I am the newbie being taught a lesson by a group of hardcore fans.

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 186 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

Some notable and memorable guests

  • On the main floor, a timid, short, fat man stood off to the side…apparently volunteering to serve. Throughout the evening, customers (mostly women) whipped him, spanked him, poured water on him, or made him crawl on the floor. Even the queen bee in white attacked him.
  • After using the bathroom, my boyfriend came back and told me, “There’s a big, naked black guy over there wearing a wrestler’s mask. A petite Japanese woman in a schoolgirl outfit is stuffing a giant dildo up his ass.”
  • An elderly woman who obviously suffers from a growth-suppressing disease decides to give her disease the middle finger and walks around in toddler clothes.

And these are just the guests.

We haven’t even gotten to the suppliers yet.

  • One store sells standard BDSM gear, like ball gags and ropes and that sort of thing.
  • Someone else made the most beautiful bone and metal jewelry I have ever seen. One set of rings was made of tiny metal vertebrates that fit together to form a long spine that was worn on the finger.
  • A couple had piercings and other body modifications and so on.
  • The strangest by far was in the back corner – a barely-adult boy was hunched over a bright lamp, assembling anime mecha models… that was all he did the entire evening… and he was perfectly content.

If the visuals are too overwhelming for you, I understand.

I suggest you turn back now, because things are only going to get weirder.


Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 909 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party
  • Drag Queen Fashion Show – My favorite is the Louis Vuitton themed dress.
  • Lesbian wrestling match – with a man in a cape as the MC, surrounded by people in full-body costumes (by the end, they were almost naked rubbing against each other).
  • A man belt Sing like a Barbra Streisand impersonator – It’s OK for one or two numbers, but by the time fifththis is becoming increasingly annoying.

Then, the fatal blow…

A girl wrapped in medical gauze, holding a sign in one hand and a microphone in the other – singing in a monotone in Japanese (The equivalent of an 80-year-old history teacher taking Xanax while reading the tax code), while her backup dancers did what can only be described as “slow fashion combined with Egyptian hieroglyphic poses.”

The audience loved it.

The entire front row is filled with dancing latex animals synchronizing … Apparently, they’ve practiced it enough times to know the moves by heart and become true groupies.

My boyfriend was completely mesmerized. “Look at this. I really saw this. It’s amazing.” Like some scientist on the verge of a great discovery, he observed the scene with what can only be described as “I’ll be joining the crowd in two seconds.”

But it wasn’t enough to distract me.

To our right there was something even more fascinating.

A Japanese Shibari master is tying girls one by one to a pole, railing or floor. There was a line of volunteers practically begging for my turn (even I was tempted but too shy to even ask). Plus, only a select few can take part in the experience — mostly because the lassoing process is so delicate and careful.

My personal favorite is of a woman with her fingers bound (imagine hands clasped together in a prayer position, but with fingers spread open and three knots tied together for each pair of fingers).

My boyfriend likes to tie her legs to the railing Wide separate.

The inevitable idiot

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951563 416 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

There was only one annoying, bad moment the entire evening.

A couple of French men come in (they are already drunk) and drool over the scantily clad women around them.

They were like a pair of adolescent boys who stumbled across their mother’s Sears catalog, discovered the lingerie section, and learned what breasts looked like.

For some reason, their horny, drunken state made them think they could touch bodies however they wanted. No Ask or accept “no” for an answer.

remember Chick in neon pink wig wearing mesh tights The people who lined up with us?


One of the men began to fondle her. She screamed and stepped back, while her boyfriend, who was wearing a butcher’s apron, immediately stood up.

At that moment, everyone on the entire top floor began to observe carefully… This should be the signal for the two to retreat.

but it is not the truth.

The criminal’s speech was slurred. “If I see breasts, I’ll touch breasts. You’re her boyfriend. It’s your job to protect her. Since you can’t, then I’ll touch her as I please.”

Regardless of the fact that he sounds like an idiot for saying “boobie” and acting tough, this is a cardinal rule you cannot break at any party…or at any time in your life, actually.

The friend who didn’t touch me must have been more aware, because he noticed that everyone was staring at me like angry vultures, especially a muscular black man who was clearly showing his “I’m ready to go in and beat the crap out of these guys.”


Before any fight could occur, the drag queen crew was aware of the situation and took control.

Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party 1721951564 664 Department H Tokyo — The weirdest and best fetish party

That was one of the few photos I took that night.

See that guy on the right wearing all black and a blond wig?

This may sound like the least threatening thing—“a man in a ball gown and makeup comes to break up a fight”—but remember, one of the put up Without his pointy heels and bouffant wig, he was six feet tall.

The whole thing makes him seven feet taller… easy. Add in the three-inch claw spikes and you have a complete arsenal.

Don’t mess with the spiky things on your fingers!

After a stern lecture (the men backed off but remained passively resistant, hovering two feet away from the couple they were harassing before being given a final warning), the two were dragged away by some very serious bodyguards.

Although, I would love to see the drag queens drag Get him out.

Armpits and cream

It took a good thirty minutes for the tension to dissipate and for people to find their way back into their comfort zones. After that, even I didn’t want to be weird in any way. So we sat back and observed our surroundings.

Just 10 minutes later, something else happened…

An elderly Japanese man came up, smiled widely, and asked (using body language) if he could smell my armpits.

After a few seconds of processing the request (and a glance at my boyfriend), I thought, “Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do…”.

He took a deep breath and looked very happy. I thought it was over, but a moment later he came running back with a paper plate full of shaving cream and asked me to shove it in his face.

“Hey. Why not?” I think.

Finally, he quickly washed his face, proudly showing everyone that he was clean, then bowed and walked away.

A night in H Department.

10/10 would go again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Side note: Many of the images are from La Carmina. I was so busy I only remember taking a few photos.

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Have you ever been to a crazy fetish event? Share it in the comments!

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