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Dating guru explains why liberal men can never be satisfied

Dating guru explains why liberal men can never be satisfied

A self-confessed serial dater and best-selling author believes liberal women may prefer to seek love with conservative men for the security and respect they receive.

Steve Santagati, author of the 2008 book “The Handbook: A Real Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date and Mature — and How Women Can Come Out on Top,” said many liberal women can’t find what they want in men with similar political views.

“It’s not that women like so-called ‘conservative men,’ they just don’t like liberals and they don’t like men who aren’t real men,” Santagatti told Fox News Digital.

“Any liberal woman who’s with a liberal man is likely to dislike him and resent him,” Santagatti continued. “Women want to be with men they can trust and feel safe with. And most importantly, conservative men are far superior to liberal men in these qualities.”

Santagatti believes that many women believe in traditional gender roles, even if they are afraid to admit it. Deep down, he says, most women want a masculine partner, whether it is politically correct to admit it today or not.

“No matter what they tell you, ‘Equality, blah blah,’ if they keep feeding you these ideas, ask any woman to give you an honest answer. You’re driving down the road. It’s pouring rain outside. You get a flat tire and your liberal husband says to you, ‘Honey, I don’t want to take away your femininity. So why don’t you go out and change the tire while I wait here and listen to NPR?’ It’s not going to happen. She’s going to hate you,” Santagatti said.

Steve Santagati says liberal women have a hard time finding satisfaction from men who share their political views. Fox News

Santagatti was amused when CNN’s Dana Bash suggested last month during coverage of the Democratic National Convention that a Harris-Waltz combination would be more appealing to men who might not be as macho as their Republican counterparts.

“They do this to highlight male figures, Tim Waltz being one of them, Doug Emhoff last night, so they can speak to people who might not be the testosterone-filled, gun-toting, Hulk Hogan-toting, player types who show up at the Republican National Convention,” Bash said.

Santagatti agreed that Walz and Emhoff did not project masculinity, but he believed the Democratic Party was targeting traditional men by touting the Minnesota governor’s experience as an assistant high school football coach and promoting camouflage campaign hats.

According to Santagatti, women want men they feel safe with. InsideCreativeHouse –

Santagatti, laughing and sarcastically suggesting that Cabela’s brothers and men who shop at Bass Pro Shop might suddenly support Walz because he, too, likes camo. He also argues that if stereotypical non-masculine men are too devoted to far-left ideology, they won’t be desirable to women.

“It doesn’t mean you pick up a fly fishing rod or pick up a gun and all of a sudden you become a man,” Santagatti said.

“It really comes down to … logic and common sense,” he continued. “Am I able to take care of you? Am I a stable person? Those are the first things that differentiate conservatives from indecisive liberals.”

Santagatti said men whose ideas are too left-leaning have no chance to become more masculine. Barron –

Santagatti also joked about the groups of singles who hung out during last month’s Democratic National Convention.

“If you look at the Democratic National Committee … and the people who are involved in this, especially the senior people who are involved in this, they are all very angry,” Santagatti added. “These men are not being honest with themselves. This is all surface-level, ‘Oh yeah, I apologize for my whiteness. I apologize for my male toxicity. I apologize for these things,’ and women don’t want that.”

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