Knowledge Dissemination

Crystal Delights tier glass plugs – UK


UK based. Sure this has been answered before but none of my googling is bringing up much current and useful info.

My crystal delights glass plug has been lost after nearly a decade of joy. I need to replace… and it seems crystal delights no longer ship to anywhere in europe. What the actual hell. Still, I think, a decade later there must be so many more reputable small-and-medium businesses in europe making safe, high quality glass toys in the same market bracket as CD? Nope, seems this field has fallen into a devastating race to the bottom, you’ll have chinese tat and you’ll like it. Perhaps the influential blogs and internet research on safe glass toys just didn’t hold up and the cheap tat has proven safe and effective – but the fact that CD still exists and still seems highly rated by all and sundry seems at odds with that. Surely somebody in europe is making good quality £50-100 glass plugs and I just haven’t found them yet?

Not interested in silicone or metal, I like what I like and I’d sooner buy a cheap and dodgy glass plug than switch materials.

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