Knowledge Dissemination

Condoms for anal dildo?


[M26] I’ve never had any toys before but I recently got an [Adam and Eve My First Willy]( from my partner to experiment with and I’ve seen a lot of recommendations to use a condom with it, both on here and on their website, and to avoid silicone-based lubes. However, while looking around my local pharmacies, I noticed almost no condoms actually say what kind of lube they use on the package and all the ones I looked up were silicone. What are some decent condoms I could look out for that use a water-based lube? Would it be easier just to find some unlubed ones and slick them myself?

I’ve also noticed some comments in other threads here suggesting covering silicon toys isn’t really necessary. Do I even need to worry about it if I know I’m not going to be sharing it?

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