Adult Topic Blogs

Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes – Tokyo Nightclub

Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes - Tokyo Nightclub

We were sure we would visit at least one fetish club during our trip to Tokyo (Besides the temples, the Go club, the fish market and the anime district) But this was the only part of the vacation that wasn’t planned in detail – not even with an address.

Nonetheless, the flight came, we threw the odd essential into our suitcases, and caught the first taxi we could get (which turned out to be a mistake, as the driver took so long to get there that my boyfriend had to stop me from pulling the whip out of my bag to make him go faster).

Trying to find the bar

In the first few days, I went sightseeing, played with Japanese dolls, tried matcha ice cream for the first time, and ate enough ramen to kill a large horse.

By day three, however, we were beginning to crave something a little less mainstream and more leathery (or at least grindy).

That’s where Deca Bar Z comes into our sight.

Through the magic power of Google, the words “fetish party” and “decadent bar” came together and some cool images popped up. We donned our modest club clothes (which, let’s be honest, were just slightly better street clothes) and headed to Shinjuku area – located in the center of the red light district.

“I didn’t see it. The address said it was right here,” I said, wondering if the last four people we asked directions to were lying.

“We have to go up,” my boyfriend said.

“how do you know?”

“Everything is fine in Japan.”

What surprised me most about Tokyo was how many shops were lined up next to each other, and how normal that was at the time (while some Western countries shunned second-floor commerce as if it were a sexually transmitted disease).

To be honest, throughout the elevator ride and walking through the not-so-clean hallways, they kept repeating “Are we in the right place?”

Small but memorable space

Thankfully, the unassuming door features a Superman-style logo on the front.

It leads to a space filled with darkness, the brightest neon lights known to man, and a black light that can see all neon lights from space.

This is not a complaint. This is Astonishing.

Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes - Tokyo Nightclub 1721953554 697 Burlesque black lights and breast cakes Tokyo Nightclub

The checkered floors, pink brick walls, cabinets, drawers, and the refrigerator behind the bar were all painted to look like monsters and dripping with Nickelodeon goo. The bathroom was the most unsettling confined space I’ve ever been in. The dance room had a raised DJ booth and it looked like the colored paint had run out, leaving only black.

The employees were in a hurry, having already put on their makeup, put on their costumes, and prepared refreshments.

One was a drag queen who looked like a retro pop art girl without the polka dots and bright yellow face, another wore a see-through Mumu outfit adorned with feathers, and two looked like they had slept in a tanning booth – which, I later learned, is a beauty trend in Japan that is not called “blackface” in an offensive way; A rebellion against the mainstream “pure white” faces in Japan.

Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes - Tokyo Nightclub 1721953554 395 Burlesque black lights and breast cakes Tokyo Nightclub

Photo credit

People were taking up seats or space, and the guests were piling up. Smoke started to fill the air (one of my main problems at some party venues).

At least the energy is amazing.

Some interesting characters

Clothes are everywhere. It’s like a hodgepodge of fashions colliding in one room:

  • Businessman (salaryman) in street clothes, looking like he has strayed into the wrong club (or universe)
  • A girl in knee-high athletic socks, a big-nosed theatrical wig, and a bright pink strap-on dildo.
  • Man wearing only a gold thong
  • People who really like The Matrix
  • There are also many customers wearing casual clothes

Side note: Later, we H Department A party in a few days.

Not weird enough for you? Read about the next party we attended:

Department H Tokyo – The Weirdest, Most Awesome Fetish Party Ever!

The dancing started, the bodies gyrated, the show began. A lot of it was standard burlesque, with feather fans and hip shaking, which wasn’t bad. The only problem was that if you wanted to see anything you had to give up your seat and go to the other half of the bar. Well, they used the space they had to put on the show.

Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes - Tokyo Nightclub 1721953554 955 Burlesque black lights and breast cakes Tokyo Nightclub
Burlesque, black lights and breast cakes - Tokyo Nightclub 5

Photo credit

When one set of performances is over, another guest DJ will take the stage to perform.

At the end of a performance, I saw The most petite Asian grandmother walked by, wearing a spiked leather jacket, black boxing gloves, and “don’t mess with me” sunglasses.

“Wait a minute… is she… going…?”

My boyfriend took one look at it. “No way.”

Yes. Punk Rock Grandma (aka “DJ Dumpling”) He walked onto the stage and began dancing to a medley of retro swing beats.

I no longer care what happens after that.

That night was the pinnacle of epic…

Here’s a video we found of her (my phone is too crappy to capture the dark footage).

As if it couldn’t get any better, the Mumu dancer strutted onto the stage. It started as a normal sexy performance. Hands moved seductively along her impressive curves.

She reached into her sparkling bra…

Then take out a pudding cup.

“What’s wrong……?”

The dance continues as she opens it and licks the top off.

“Ok, I see.”

It wasn’t until she reached into her wig that I actually saw the hairpin sticking out…but it wasn’t a hairpin.

You guessed it…a spoon.

The rest of the show was a perfect mix of sexy dancing, sexy eating of pudding, and sexy feeding of pudding to onlookers.

I have never been so excited about butterscotch in my life.

Fate seemed to be on our side that night. To our surprise, it was the club’s birthday. They brought out a big breast cake for everyone to share … The funny girls fed everyone the food. I was dragged to the front (boyfriend was left behind, wow The funny girl grinned and stuffed a big piece into my mouth.

Thank you, Tokyo. You are awesome!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Also, if you like Japanese related articles, you might like these:

Have you found any goth, kink, fetish or weird clubs in Japan? Share them in the comments!

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