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Astrological Update: Libra Season 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog

Astrological Update: Libra Season 2021 | Sex Toys Blog

On September 22, we celebrated both the equinox (when the hours of daylight and darkness are equal) and the Sun’s passage into Libra, where it will remain until October 22.

While Virgo season forced us to do the hard work of organizing our lives to ensure we are well prepared for the long term, Libra invites us to take a moment to savor the pleasures of what we have reaped.

Harvest season is a time to celebrate the fruits of our labor. Historically, it’s always been a time to take a deliberate pause between seasons, like taking a deep breath on that first crisp fall morning, and expressing gratitude for all that we have right now. With Libra ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and earthly delights as well as love and relationships, the focus of this season is on feasting and gathering with loved ones, exploring and strengthening our interpersonal relationships, and enjoying the last warm days of the year as much as we enjoy the delicious chills of the first chills of fall.

The symbol of Libra is that of the scales, evoking this feeling of duality that exists in all things. This is why AirVibe is our best friend Libra. Like the AirVibe, Libra energy teaches us that we don’t have to choose one or the other, but to find the perfect balance between the two. It reminds us to take stock by asking ourselves the following questions: Where do I feel out of balance? Where am I giving too much? Where am I not receiving enough? What do I need to restore balance?

Astrological Update: Libra Season 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog Astrological Update Libra Season 2021 Aldult Toys Blog.gif&ct=g

With their diplomatic streak and affinity for social harmony, Libras are often known as peacekeepers. They are sometimes called indecisive, but that is only because they truly take the time to listen to everyone and evaluate all sides before making a thoughtful decision. They love beautiful things, and this Venusian influence often gives them an artistic flair in their pursuits. There is an almost devotional impulse in everything they do, whether it is caring for their loved ones or indulging themselves, and we can’t help but be drawn to it.

It is this Libra charm and dedication to harmony, with oneself as well as with all those around us, that we call upon for this season. You have worked so hard to get to this point and you have looked great doing it. Now enjoy the bounty of this year’s harvest.

Beware of the retrograde gap

It’s that time again… As peaceful and enjoyable as this whole juicy Libra season is, know that Mercury is retrograde from September 27th to October 17th. When a planet retrogrades, it means it appears to be going in the opposite direction in the sky. As a fast-moving planet, Mercury retrogrades about 3 times a year for about 3 weeks at a time. These periods give us time to go inward and reflect. With this retrograde happening during Libra season, that point of reflection is set on relationships.

Even though the focus is on relationship work, proceed with caution. Be especially careful when approaching conversations with a loved one, and double-check that email to your boss. Since Mercury likes to play with our technology as much as our communication systems these days, miscommunications are a little more likely to occur.

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Here are some tips for finding the perfect balance to make the most of your Libra season:

1. If you’re single, check out this dating app

It’s no wonder that Libra season also marks the beginning of cuffing season. It’s the perfect time to explore new connections and invite new relationships into our lives.

It’s not just about romantic or sexual relationships. There are a whole range of friendships and intimate relationships that can form, for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Especially at a time when most of us haven’t had the opportunity to meet new people in a while, this might be the perfect time to dive into the relationship and see who you are today. So, snap a new selfie of that pretty face, load up your profile, and see who might balance your scales this season.

2. If you’re already in a relationship, get back involved with them

Old relationships deserve love, too. And even the easiest relationships need regular maintenance to function as well as they can.

Maybe you have something to heal in yourself and in your relationship. Maybe it’s something big and obvious. Maybe it’s so subtle that you haven’t looked at it head on yet. Take some time to sit down with your partner and take stock: Is there something that needs a little more attention between us? Where could we give a little more love to find a better balance between us?

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3. Don’t forget your relationship with your self

The dark side of Libra is that if you’re not careful, you can give too much and forget that your relationship with yourself is just as important and worth nurturing. As airline security recommends: Put on your own mask first before you help anyone else. Because if you worry too much about others, prioritizing all of that over your own care, you’ll have nothing left to give to anyone.

Even in the height of harvest season, remember to give yourself time to rest and recharge when needed. If you have the luxury, take a midday nap or a vibrator break whenever possible.

4. Host a fall feast

It is harvest season after all. Gather your loved ones, taking whatever safety precautions are still necessary in your area, and indulge in a delicious bounty. Feast on treats and good company. Turn off your phones and listen to the conversation; a little disconnect to reconnect. After nearly two years of social disconnection, making community cultivation a priority has never been more important. Stoking the fires with friends and family now is what will keep us warm through the winter.

5. Reduce your efforts for better balance

Give your mind and nervous system a break from the constant barrage of headlines and social media feeds. Leave the screens behind for a moment and get outside in nature. Go to an art exhibit. Write in your journal. Create the perfect playlist and dance in your kitchen. Cook a decadent dinner with a fancier wine than you would normally buy. Take someone you love on a date just for the fun of it.

Let yourself go wild and enjoy the beautiful things in life for the sake of enjoying them. Your soul will thank you later.

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