Load up your social calendars and loosen your tongues because Gemini season is here!
On May 20, we move from Sensual and down to earth Taurus to the outgoing, carefree frenzy that is Gemini time, which we’ll be in until June 20. Whether Gemini is where your Sun lives or not, everyone is sure to feel the buzz of this astrological season in their own way.
Geminis are socially versatile and have an infectiously fun approach to life. Represented by the twins, Geminis demonstrate an inherent, social duality inherent to their sign. This talkative duo is in constant communication—sharing and listening in equal measure. Discreet Atmosphere And Diskreet Air are obviously the most Gemini friends in our Bellesa family. A pair of cute and smart twins who offer different but complementary vibes depending on the mood.
As an outgoing, sometimes rebellious air sign, it’s no wonder Geminis are often seen as gregarious social butterflies, moving from conversation to topic with grace and ease. They can walk into a party full of strangers and have a whole new crew of friends and fans by the time they’re refilling their next drink. The downside of this energy is that we can talk for the sake of talking and get into unconstructive arguments and unnecessary conflicts, but it’s nothing a quick change of subject can’t resolve.
With their adaptability and shapeshifting abilities, Geminis also have an aptitude for assessing their audience. Knowing when to give and when to receive is a power we could all work on, and Gemini season reminds us how much richer our interactions can be when we practice this.
After a month of being cozy, communing with nature, connecting sensually with ourselves, and simply enjoying a state of calm and conscious rest, we now feel the need to wake up and get out. Gemini energy is alert and constantly moving; it invites us to get up, dance off some of the pixie dust that has accumulated during our Taurus season rest, and see where this magic is headed.
Here are some tips for harnessing this big twin energy and blowing some wind into the sails of your Gemini season:
1. Bring your old dating app profile back to life
Gemini season is all about dynamic duos. And it’s not just romantic couples: Dating and matchmaking apps aren’t just to meet the love of your life. There’s a whole range of friendships and relationships to be made, for a day or a lifetime, if you go into it with the right mindset. And if there’s ever been a time to meet someone and invite new ways of thinking and seeing the world into your life, it’s Gemini season.
Upload your profile, set your intention for the type of connection you’re looking for, and see what fun, hilarious, and enlightening conversation ensues!
2. Learn
With Gemini ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information, this season piques our appetite for absorbing new information and stories. Beyond meeting with other minds for deeply engaging conversations, there are also plenty of media to feed this thirst for knowledge and experiences.
Pick up a book or dive into the blog on a topic you’ve always been interested in but never quite had time for, load up a queue of new audiobooks, or discover your love for the Balls Deep podcast. Your Gem-hungry mind will thank you.
3. Change your style
Do something radical with your hair, invite bright colors into your wardrobe; think outside your own box.
It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun. If you’re feeling a little rebellious, Gemini will always tell you to go with the flow.
4. Set a new masturbation record
We’ll always find a way to remind you to take time to love yourself, but this time, we have a very good reason: Gemini rules the lungs, arms, hands, and nervous system. And since we’re still in the middle of masturbation month, what better excuse do you need? Take a deep breath, work out your hands and arms, and fire up your nervous system with your favorite self-love techniques.
And to celebrate Masturbation Day on May 28th, we are setting the record for Most women masturbate at the same timeAs I write this, we have nearly 200,000 people ready to join us and that number is growing. We hope you’ll join us!