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Astrological Update: Aries Season 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog

Astrological Update: Aries Season 2021 | Sex Toys Blog

Listen up, bbs. Aries season is just around the corner, so pay attention to me.

It’s time to wake up, take off your cozy winter clothes, and come alive! You’ll have plenty of time during Taurus season to revisit this leap. For now, let’s dive right in.

Just after the spring equinox, the Sun entered Aries on March 20th and will remain there until April 19th. This marks the beginning of a brand new zodiac year, with Aries as the baby and firstborn of the astrological family. Just like our #1 bb Aurorethe emphasis is on the fact that they are first, they will always be number one, and don’t forget that.

Astrological Update: Aries Season 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog Astrological Update Aries Season 2021 Aldult Toys Blog

Ruled by Mars, the planet of action and directness, aggression and passion, desire and sex (you know, all things good and fiery), playful and angry Aries is the harbinger of “get things done” energy. After months of incubation in the cold and dark of winter, the light of this cardinal fire sign is a welcome change. This time of year brings with it the spark of life that invites all kinds of excitement, drive, and HEAT.

If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, now is the perfect time to shake things up. No matter your sign, the Sun in Aries can bring you the inspiration you need to pursue new ideas, start new projects, explore new experiences, and embark on spontaneous adventures.

Astrological Update: Aries Season 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog Astrological Update Aries Season 2021 Aldult Toys Blog

If you can harness the momentum of this initiating Aries energy, you’ll be even better positioned to make your big plans and bold dreams a reality next month, when Taurus comes to bring us back down to earth. Just stoke your fires now and see what happens.

With spring fever in the air (in the northern hemisphere), everything comes alive. Like a bear waking up from its long hibernation, a deep, primal hunger takes hold of us. It encourages us to wake up, breathe some life into our winter-weary bones, and grab a hell of a snack. And I’m not just talking about food here. 😉

Libidinous Aries reminds us that this hunger is not only healthy, but can also be extremely stimulating. Abolish any feelings of “guilt” when it comes to your pleasure. This appetite is legitimate and an indication of what we need—and deserve!—which, as far as Aries is concerned, is to give in to our basic urges, to let our imaginations run wild, to frolic in the literal and figurative realms simply because we feel like it.

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This is a great time to prioritize the pursuit of pleasure and personal power in all its forms. (Aries doesn’t really know how to do one without the other, nor does it care to learn.) Of course, the dark side of all this can be overindulgence. But if we can stay mindful while we give in to our very legitimate urges, there’s a LOT of potential waiting for us in the weeks ahead.

Because as if all this wasn’t enough, Venus, the planet of love and femininity, has also entered Aries and will remain there until April 14, making this season even more powerful than usual in the areas of love and sex.

For our single and polyamorous friends looking for new encounters, this could come in the form of lots of flirting and some nice fleeting spring flings. Aries loves the thrill of the chase, and in courtship and sex, a little challenge and a little chase are sure to encourage any spark that exists. Fire up your apps and see who else is up for a play (safely, since this global panini hasn’t completely cooled down yet).

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If you’re in a relationship, harness that fiery energy to bring a little novelty into the bedroom. It could be something as simple as sharing a few fantasies with each other for the first time. Or you could take it all the way by playing with the power dynamic. We recommend tying your partner up in bed with a beautiful bondage rope designed for BDSM play Or improve your strap-on situation.

No matter how daring you are, step out of your comfort zone. You never know what you might discover.

Since Aries rules the head, as well as the face, eyes, and brain, watching porn or reading erotic literature can be a great way to stimulate this underrated erogenous zone and turn up the heat, whether with your lover or during a solo lovemaking session. Beauty Plus As a member, you can enjoy all the ethical adult content your eyes can handle in one convenient place.

Looking for an erotic reading with great Aries energy?

To try ‘I Dare You by Lauren Emily Or “Comings and Goings” by Jayne Renault

No matter your relationship status, remember that you can take advantage of those passionate independent vibes to fall a little deeper in love with yourself. Follow the ritual of putting on the perfect look and enjoy a sexy photoshoot with yourself or buy that sex toy you’ve been eyeing all winter on impulse. My challenge for Aries season is to give yourself permission to feel good. Pleasure is your birthright. All you have to do is embrace it.

To reiterate this point: This year has been a long one, and while we’re not out of the woods yet, we have what it takes to get there. And when you prioritize your pleasure, you empower yourself.

So go ahead, take that big, bold Aries spark and ignite it, my sweet babes.

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