Knowledge Dissemination

Are there any large inflatable butt plugs available?


I previously had a cock locker and unfortunately it had become warped and I felt it was unsafe to use. I went to replace it but it seems like there are no cock locker products available anywhere anymore. I used to purchase from love honey. They still list these products but they are always sold out. There seem to be really cheap options on sites like amazon, ebay, alibaba etc. But I am concerned about the quality and price on these sites. The other options are really too small. I don’t want to buy one that is too small for me and end up pumping it too full. I have the cock locker extra large 8 inch and I end up pumping it too full. I had my eye on the ace of spades but again, every site I looked at was sold out. I am really disappointed because I loved it when I bought it. Does anyone know of a retailer in Canada for cock locker products? Or any other inflatable plugs of comparable size and price?

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