Knowledge Dissemination

Air stimulators have a negative impact on my sex life (intimacy…)


So my husband is awesome. He bought me an air clitoral stimulator and I’ve been loving it. I had absolutely no idea such a thing existed but he bought it because he loves seeing me satisfied. We have a wonderful sex life but it’s mostly just between the two of us (not a lot of toys). After buying this and using it for a few weeks straight I noticed that his touch wasn’t the same. It’s annoying because I love being licked (and he does too) but it’s harder to orgasm. Is it possible that this toy is stimulating my nerves so much that it doesn’t feel the same for my husband’s orgasm? I’m worried that might be the case. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I’m going to stop using it for a while and see if things go back to normal since I enjoy being with him more. He also mentioned that they have a male version which I should buy him eventually but now I’m hesitant haha! Thanks 🙂

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