We have been friends since May of 2022. We dated for a month, but after a year we broke up in July. It was my second heartbreak after five years of being single. I started focusing on my career until exactly February 14, 2023, when he messaged me. I was hesitant, but the spirit kept telling me to give him a chance, so I offered to be friends until we decided to get to know each other better. This time is different; we officially dated when he visited me in the Philippines (August 2023). We both knew that marriage was the next step in our relationship and we keep praying for that. I was so thankful to Heavenly Father that he is the one I pray for, that he brought me to the temple and that we kept our covenants until we decided to get married in December 23, 2023. I made a promise to him that I would take care of him and the family we would be starting in the future; I had found my best friend. My eternal companion

Met On Mutual
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