is a diverse, open, positive kink community dedicated to exploring a wide range of adult fantasy in fiction. We support artists’ First Amendment rights to create freely. We also recognize a publisher’s First Amendment right to create a community tailored to its particular members.
To this end, we don’t want Post any type of work that has the following content:
- Sexual activity involving characters under the age of 18 (including, but not limited to, explicit sexual discussion, voyeurism, exhibitionism, fantasy, masturbation, and graphic sexual depictions in addition to actual sexual intercourse). has a strict policy regarding any content under the age of 18 and any attempt to violate this policy will result in account termination.
- Any material that supports, encourages or defends child abuse and/or exploitation of any type.
- Characters in celebrity stories or fan fiction are artificially aged – that is, they are under 18 in reality or in the source material, but are older than 18 in the story.
- Copyrighted material in which the submitter is not the copyright owner, or in which the submitter does not have the copyright owner’s express permission to post the work on
- Bestiality – Sexual activity between humans and real-life animals will not be publicized; sexual activity between humans and fantasy characters, monsters, furries, humans, etc. is allowed.
- Sex death, “vore” or “snuff” fiction. Characters in the story can kill or die, but the death should not have the purpose of being sexually provocative.
- Rape/non-consensual fantasy in which the “victim” derives no stimulation or enjoyment from the act, or is severely and/or permanently physically harmed/abused/mutilated/killed.
- Sexual mutilation, amputation, and female or male circumcision. We happily accept stories from amputees and their followers, but will not publish stories that sexualize the act of amputation or permanent physical harm.
- Obsessive, non-consensual, questionable voluntary or voluntary-non-consensual fantasies involving real-life people, groups/organizations, or copyrighted characters. does not publish non-hoax fan fiction.
- Works that promote or glorify hatred, intolerance or violence against any individual or group.
- Works that promote real (non-fictional) prostitution or sex work. These themes and themes may be used freely in fictional stories, but authors may not promote any real-life sex work services or real-life prostitution services.
- Works that promote participation in any real-life (nonfiction) activity that is illegal in the United States.
- The work claims real people in the title, tags, and/or description. You can use “true” in the body of your story as part of your fictional storytelling. This policy is designed to protect authors and third parties.
- Works that promote or focus on politics or religion, or political or religious figures. Literary readers, bombarded with political disputes on other platforms, prefer to avoid such divisive issues in porn.
- Works that contain advertisements, external links, domain names or external promotions of any kind in the description, text or audio (including “View my profile…”).
- Works generated by artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLM), or other non-human automated systems. publishes works created by humans for humans. For more information, please see our artificial intelligence policy.
- Trailers, parts of works, excerpts from off-site works, or any works that appear to be promoted for other platforms.
- Any visual representation (photo or video) of a real person engaging in “actual sexually explicit conduct” as defined in 18 USC 2257.
- We also reserve the right to refuse or remove any content or work that the Community deems to be disruptive (or harmful to the Community or any member of the Community) for any or no reason.
The above guidelines apply to all content posted on, including but not limited to stories, poetry, audio, artwork, reviews, feedback, and forum posts.
These content guidelines may be updated periodically based on the needs of the community.