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Woman says her IUD ‘took a chunk’ of her partner’s penis

Woman says her IUD 'took a chunk' of her partner's penis

An Australian internet star has explained how she accidentally “broken” her lover’s penis during sex.

Hayley Davies claims her IUD “took a chunk” of her sexual partner’s genitals during sex.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a form of birth control that is a small implant placed inside a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Depending on the type of IUD, it releases copper or hormones and can stay in the uterus for up to five years.

In an interview with Ana Nello, a content creator and model who works to tackle sexual stigma, Hailey said she had to go to the hospital after suffering a horrific sexual injury.

“I broke a man’s boundaries during sex,” she said.

“So, this hot Army boy I was dating hit my IUD and it ripped a big chunk out of his (penis).

Davis said she broke her lover’s penis during sex. Instagram/ithayleydavies

“Not only that, it actually cut my cervix and I had to go to the hospital to have it removed.”

Hayley recalled how she and her partner were left “bleeding” after the horrific sex incident.

Despite a “piece of flesh” falling off his penis, she said her lover ultimately did not go to hospital.

“I feel bad for this guy,” she said.

“I told him not to try so hard.”

Injuries from IUDs are rare. Instagram/ithayleydavies

Haley said they were in a “missionary position” when they were injured.

“We went into the shower [after the sex] i saw [the injury] Then I realized how much pain I was in,” she recalled.

“So it’s like after [sexual] experience. “

It seems like neither’s experiences have affected their relationship, as the model admitted that they did see each other again “once everything healed.”

“You have to commit yourself to the process,” she added.

Risks of IUDs

Although it is very rare for an IUD to harm someone else or become dislodged during sex, it is possible.

But the contraceptive “took away” a chunk of her partner’s penis. Instagram/ithayleydavies

The IUD should not be felt during sex.

If possible, it is recommended to see a doctor to check if everything is normal.

The IUD has two short strings attached to it that pass through the cervix, the opening of the uterus.

It is a small donut shaped pad with only a very small opening (unless during labor).

In rare cases, a partner may feel these strings during sex. If there is interference, it is recommended to see a doctor.

Studies show that 2 to 10 percent of IUDs fall out within the first year, and the risk may be greater if inserted immediately after delivery.

Uterine perforation is also very rare, with studies estimating that one in 1,000 IUD insertions will result in a perforation.

Improper IUD placement, postpartum, breastfeeding, and a small or tilted uterus may increase the risk of uterine perforation.

cheating claims

Former stripper turned content creator Hayley recently went viral for claiming that 80% of men cheat on her at bachelor parties.

Davis, who now lives in the United States, told that working in a strip club had definitely changed her perspective on her Australian loyalties.

“I work at a strip club that hosts bachelor parties a lot, and I would say most grooms and their friends will at least try to make out with you,” she said.

Part of her daily job involves foam, which often ends up splashing on the audience, she said.

She would take them upstairs to wash them off, and she said this was when most men would try to make a move alone – a shocking 80 per cent of them, in fact.

The horrific injuries sent her to hospital. Instagram/ithayleydavies

Ms Davis said she didn’t think there was anything wrong with men going to strip clubs for stag parties if their partners agreed, but she found they often used the occasion as an excuse to cheat.

“I think men who cheat on their partners don’t think strippers count as people. It’s a fantasy and they think it doesn’t matter. You can tell by the way they talk about you,” she explains.

Ms. Davis said she disliked men who were willing to cheat on their partners, especially before they walked down the aisle, but it wasn’t her job to be the monogamy police.

“if [bachelors] They’re gonna cheat. They’re gonna cheat. I don’t like it, but of course I’m going to take their money. At the end of the day, it’s all on them. ” she explained.

To her personally, it was a complete turn-off.

“I think they’re terrible. It’s a terrible thing to do when they’re going to make a promise and they get it right. It’s wrong. It’s just completely wrong,” she said.

“It’s extremely normal for men to cheat at money parties.”

—With Mary Madigan

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