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Need help. I feel like something is being sucked into my butt, but…


So, two weeks ago I (28M) went out with some friends for a few beers and when I got home decided to keep drinking (this part is important). I got really horny and decided to engage in some anal play, starting with a little Durex vibrator sex and then progressing to bananas (I know haha). So far so good, but the problem is that apparently I didn’t realize how much I drank (which turned out to be almost a whole bottle of whiskey!). At some point during the night, my vision began to go dark, and my memory from then on was blank. The last thing I remember is something being sucked into my butt and me thinking: “Damn! I have to deal with this later”. I woke up the next morning covered in vomit and was immediately reminded of this idea. The problem is I’m so traumatized that I don’t know if the memory is real or if I’m imagining/dreaming it. I immediately went to the toilet to see if I could poop and I saw a mark on the toilet indicating that I pooped something last night – no idea what (apologies for that detail). I went to poop and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. I finished my shower and the next thing I had to do was check if anything I was playing with was missing. Everything is where it should be. I decided to see how I felt, try to remember what happened that night, and check my apartment for any missing items before panicking and going to the doctor. I didn’t find anything missing, but still don’t remember anything (except for that vague memory). The thing is I do feel some slight discomfort on the left side of my torso – not pain, just some mild discomfort. But my bowel movements have been normal since then. There is no problem with defecation, no blockage, etc. I’m not sure if there’s something in there or if it’s just discomfort from anal sex (I’ve only been there once before so I’m not sure if that’s an issue). It’s now been a full two weeks and the discomfort is still there. It’s not getting better, but it’s not getting worse either. I’m considering taking some laxatives before seeking medical help to see if they help flush out the contents (if they do). So, to summarize, I think there might be something in there because: – I have a very vague memory of something being sucked up – I’ve been feeling some slight discomfort which may be a false memory/illusion because of: – my bowel movements It’s been normal – I can’t find anything missing in my apartment (I don’t have a lot of stuff) – I can’t think of anything else to put there besides toys and bananas (again haha) but who Do you know? – I think if it was a small thing it would have come out by now, if it was a big thing it would cause more discomfort/pain Can anyone give me any advice? Should I try laxatives or seek medical help? The last two weeks have been mental torture. I’m in the UK. If anyone is worried about my drinking – no need, I rarely drink and this is the first time I’ve been hit with this. Never again! Thanks for your help.

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