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4 secrets of a woman’s mind are revealed!

Women's needs

Women’s hearts exposed!

understand Women’s thoughts This may feel complicated, but it is essential to building a strong, mutually supportive relationship. By exploring the emotional and psychological dynamics that shape her thoughts and behaviors, men can build deeper connections and become better, more empathetic partners.

Men, do you desire more sex and intimacy with your partner? Are you confused about the following questions: How to best please a woman? Are you confused about your emotions with women and wondering what you are doing wrong? I have spoken to many men, both single and in relationships, who feel overwhelmed when it comes to being with women.

We haven’t learned how to build and maintain healthy relationships

This is completely understandable because, let’s be honest, few of us are taught how to have and maintain healthy relationships with the opposite sex. We either copy our parents and peers and hope that what worked for them will work for us, or we look up to examples in the media to tell us how to get along with others. If we’re lucky, with this approach, we can end up with a functional relationship. However, more often than not, it means our love life will be a disaster.

Humans are complex creatures and can be confusing

Just like men, women are complex creatures whose behavior can sometimes seem irrational or confusing. Even as a woman myself, I am often struck by the mystery and complexity of women. One moment they are passionate, the next they are cold, on top of the world in the morning, ready to tear you apart in the evening. Just like the weather, women are unpredictable and constantly changing.

Image: What do women want?

Regardless of gender, we all have feminine qualities, and this is present in everyone to some degree. Some women are more feminine, while others are more masculine. Both exist at the same time, alternating back and forth in our daily lives.

I think that understanding women’s desires comes down to understanding the nature of women and what women need in order to feel safe and supported. Based on my own experience, the following points are important for men to bring to their relationships so that they can feel more connected to the women in their lives.

Understand your inner femininity

think Man hugging his woman The myth of losing masculinity couldn’t be further from the truth. Men who learn to cultivate and embody their inner femininity are the most powerful men I know. When we are able to embody both masculine and feminine qualities, we know we are whole.

This eliminates a large part of what we project onto our partners, asking them to provide us with something that we feel we cannot give ourselves. When men understand the woman within themselves, they are better able to understand women.

Feminine characteristics of men
Image: The inner woman

Show your presence in your interactions with women

As a woman, what I admire and desire most is a man with a lot of power and presence. Presence means being truly present with a woman when you are with her. Maintaining eye contact, understanding what she is saying, and letting her feel your presence are just some ways to let her know you are present. Presence makes women feel safe and supported. It is also very sexy!!

Don’t try to change a woman.

Don’t shame her for her emotions and feelings. Show empathy and understanding for her and what she’s going through. When a man shames a woman for her emotions, he ultimately denies himself from feeling those same emotions.

Women's thoughts
Image: Angry Man

Encourage your woman to think for herself so she doesn’t rely on you to be her “knight in armor”

This is a difficult skill to master because you don’t want to cut her off or make her feel like you don’t care about her. However, by encouraging her to be self-reliant (which may mean asking for support when she needs it), you’re empowering her to be her own person.

There is nothing better than being with a woman who has inner strength. She is confident and self-loving, and she feels good to be with. Trusting her to take care of herself is the best thing for her. Empowering women is important.

Image: Myself in the mirror

It’s okay not to know everything!

Men, I encourage you to allow yourself to be in a state of ignorance. It is exhausting to hold on to it for too long, pretending that you have it all figured out. When you allow yourself to be in a state of ignorance, you welcome the possibility of dramatic change. When you can accept that you don’t know how to please a woman, you open yourself up to learning how to please a woman. You open up a path to learning how to be a more present and loving partner, lover, and man.

Any man who wants to explore how to be a better lover, partner, and man should come to Sydney Master Lover WorkshopAustralia in July.

*For simplicity, in this article I am talking about women with feminine dominant personalities and men with masculine dominant personalities from a heteronormative perspective. These concepts can apply to any type of relationship, whether it is a same-sex relationship or a heterosexual relationship with masculine women and feminine men.

What have you learned so far?

understand Women’s thoughts It comes down to three key pillars: communication, patience, and understanding. Open dialogue fosters trust and clarity, while patience allows space for growth and learning. Most importantly, understanding her emotions and thoughts builds a deeper connection and helps you navigate challenges together.

When both partners adhere to these principles, healthy, lasting relationships flourish. Through communication, patience, and understanding, you not only strengthen your connection, but you also build a foundation that supports lasting love and mutual respect. These are the building blocks of a fulfilling partnership.

Written by Stephanie Curtis. Bachelor of Nursing. Graduate Diploma in Sexuality

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