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How to Create a Self-Service Takeaway Unmanned Retail Store for Adult Products? Pay Attention to Opportunities and Details

How to Create an Unmanned Self-Service Store for Adult Product Takeaways? Pay Attention to Opportunities and Details

The adult products market offers great opportunities, is growing rapidly and has a high demand from users. For an entrepreneur, this is a rather interesting field, but how to enter this market?

The adult products market offers great opportunities, is growing rapidly and has a high demand from users. For an entrepreneur, this is a very good field, but how to enter this market is a problem.

In recent years, the market demand for vending machines has increased significantly, which also represents a new opportunity for the adult products industry. Whether you do it as a main job or a side job, it doesn’t matter and it can save you a lot of trouble. How to set up an unmanned self-service store for adult products takeaway?

The choice of location is essential and can determine whether a store can survive. Find a quieter spot in a noisy area, not on the side of a busy street, such as a hotel street or a city village. Stay away from mother and child stores, community entrances, food stalls or barbecue stands.

Store decoration: The store should be decorated to look fresh and beautiful, but don’t do it casually just to save money. Many stores are so dirty, messy and poor that people don’t even think about going there to buy anything. At least it should be beautiful, just like when you go to eat and see a shabby store, you feel unclean and lose your appetite.

In terms of product suitability, you need to study the surrounding consumption levels and choose products based on the main groups of people (age, gender, social class). After all, customers just want to quickly find what they want and do not want to stay in the store longer. The more machines, the better. We need to engage in precision marketing.

If you choose to join a franchise, you must work directly with the manufacturer. If you purchase a machine yourself, you must test the quality and delivery of the machine yourself. Issues that require special attention include:

I feel comfortable when I have all three certificates: business license, rental property certificate, and health license. Because adult products are quite special, you used to need a medical device business license.

Shopping channels, store owners can check the transaction volume of shopping channels when choosing products. The one that sells the most is worth choosing! Any channel will do, basically all can be used!

Ensure the quality of hygienic products and machines. After the store opens, you often need to go to the store to check, clean, replenish, and see if the machines are broken. If the problems are not discovered in time, your income will also be affected.

Today I will introduce it here. Adult product cooperative stores include: Taobao, Pinduoduo online store/APP mini mall/WeChat business micro-store distribution/Meituan takeaway store/24-hour self-service store/offline flagship store. /Regional official agent/Member-based agent delivers the source.

If you also want to try this industry and don’t know how to operate and solve sales and delivery issues, you can check out:18578764743by providing one-stop assistance such as operations integration, supply payment authorization and agency list quotation.

How to Create an Unmanned Self-Service Store for Adult Product Takeaways? Pay Attention to Opportunities and Details

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