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7 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month in 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog

7 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month in 2021 | Sex Toys Blog

It’s that time again: International Pride Month The year 2021 is here and we need to show it the love it deserves! It just so happens that this year’s theme is “The Fight Continues”. Like any good theme, It can be interpreted in different ways: the ongoing struggle here could be the one against Covid-19, the one against regressive laws targeting queer communities, or the more general struggle for recognition, inclusion, and acceptance. Since all of the struggles mentioned above are inextricably linked, there is a good chance that “the struggle” represents a different combination of factors and experiences for each participant.

Last year, for Pride, instead of waving colorful flags of resistance and taking back the streets, people stayed home, uncertain when they would be able to gather in large groups again. For older members of the LGBTQ community, the Covid situation triggered flashbacks to the terrifying early days of the AIDS epidemic, when the gay community was largely left to fend for itself while the government looked the other way. For those in the Western world privileged enough to have access to vaccines, the good news in 2021 is that vaccination rates are progressing faster than expected, with around Half of Americans have received at least one dose. But, because this all came a little late for Pride event organizers who need plenty of notice to plan festivities — and because there’s still some uncertainty about who can and can’t come out — you’re probably looking at a mix of in-person and online options this year, depending on your location.

So if you’re ready for all of this, but you’re not really sure how to celebrate, or even What your options are, here is some inspiration to take:

1. Host a Pride Movie Night

There are so many great ones LGBTQ+ Movies There’s something for everyone, from life-changing educational documentaries to emotional dramas to hilarious comedies. If you’re in the mood to get serious and settle in for an educational evening (or three), the powerful six-part documentary series Pride delves into the hard-won history of Pride by exploring the impact of the Stonewall riots and chronicling the LGBTQ civil rights movement in the United States from the 1950s to the present day. trailer here.

7 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month in 2021 | Aldult Toys Blog 7 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month in 2021 Aldult

2. Attend a Pride parade or event

From San Francisco to Montreal to Singapore and everywhere in between, there are plenty of popular festivals and parades to attend throughout the month of June and throughout the year too! To find a list of Pride events in your city (whether in-person or online), check out this page incredibly useful guideOf course, there is also the option of hosting a more intimate celebration for your friends via video chat or hosting a small-scale, Covid-friendly outdoor gathering (with costumes and glitter, of course).

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3. Connect with the Institute of Contemporary Arts’ Virtual First Fridays

I share this in the spirit of highlighting a particularly interesting series of online events. Organized in partnership with #PrideExtended, this virtual festival The ICA focuses on supporting the well-being of Black transgender and non-binary people through fundraising events and art activism. Programming includes a series of film screenings, all directed by Black transgender filmmakers. Throughout the month of June, the ICA Instagram will feature a different artist each week. The series concludes on July 2 with a virtual concert featuring performances by Black transgender and non-binary people.

4. Support LGBTQ+ artists and writers

The LGBT+ art community is vibrant to say the least. Why not support LGBTQ+ artists by purchasing artwork from a seller on Etsy (or a local artist near you)? Or, if you’re looking for a good book to read, check out a LGBTQ+ Reading List for quality suggestions. And if books aren’t really in your current budget, there are plenty of LGBTQ+ books available as e-books or audiobooks at most libraries.

5. Advocate for change

Make sure you learn as much as you can about LGBTQ+ legislation at the local, state, and national levels. If there are bills you think you can support or fight against, look for ways to get involved, whether that’s by contacting a representative, signing a petition, or helping organize an event. You can keep an eye out for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation hereYou might also consider giving back by volunteering, such as supporting a local LGBTQ+ youth center or raising money for a charity, foundation, or grassroots organizing collective.

6. Teach your children the meaning of pride

If you haven’t started a discussion with your children But when it comes to the realities facing the LGBTQ+ community, what better time is there than Pride 2021? There are also many Children’s books on the subject these days, like My two moms and IOr The whispers. YesYou can also consult TV Shows with LGBTQ Characters– the possibilities are endless and at the end of the day you will be glad you did.

7. Practice radical self-love

Black feminist writer Audre Lorde once said, “Self-care is not self-indulgence, it’s self-preservation, and it’s an act of political warfare.” In other words, loving yourself can be a revolutionary act. Pride can stir up difficult emotions for some. It’s not a big celebration for everyone, and if it is for you, that’s okay! Love yourself, whatever that means not celebrating pride in an explicit sense, treating yourself, talking to a therapist, or maybe even doing something trans-inclusive yoga!

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However you choose to celebrate Pride Month this year, let’s make it count, shall we? After all, there will never be another 2021, honey.

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