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Sex in Water 101: How to Do It Right (Without Any Unfortunate Accidents)

Sex in Water 101: How to Do It Right (Without Any Unfortunate Accidents)

The scorching days of summer have arrived, which means the heat is still here, but if you look to the horizon, fall now seems an inevitable outcome. This combination of influences tends to make bodies of water particularly thirst-quenching. And by thirst-quenching, I mean irresistible to lovers looking for new ways to get off, cum, make love, fuck and all that jazz (cum). After all, there’s something about sex in the water that feels like living life to the fullest, grabbing adventure by the horns and diving headfirst into heightened intimacy all at the same time.

Sex in Water 101: How to Do It Right (Without Any Unfortunate Accidents) Sex in Water 101 How to Do It Right Without

That said, when it comes to water sex, it’s important to be aware of the risks, like the possibility of slipping, falling, or drowning. Let’s be honest. There’s also the risk of developing an infection or getting caught in the act. But if you and your partner are ready and willing to educate yourselves on the ins and outs of water sex, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t start exploring the water soon.

Here’s what you need to know about the most common types of water sex:

Flowering in the shower

If you have a shower big enough for two, shower sex offers a great opportunity to explore standing positions. Not to mention that the water jet may not have a very wide range, requiring you and your partner to move around. real If you want to make sure you can both stand up in the hot water, you can use a dual showerhead. To increase your stability factor, try positioning one person’s back (or front) against the wall before sliding down and bumping into each other. Use a detachable showerhead to give each other extra stimulation and pleasure. Shower sex also lends itself perfectly to epic masturbation. Experiment by using your shower head to sensually massage your nippleslips and clitoris.

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Practical advice :

– The main precaution to take when having sex in the shower is to be careful not to slip: you may want to consider using a non-slip shower mat and grab bar for added traction and stability, and avoiding the use of non-slip oils.

– Whether you are in a relationship or solo, be careful not to spray water inside your pussy, it can ruin your natural pH levels and cause infection.

Scrub in a bathtub

If you have a tub big enough for two people, you might think of tub sex as a relaxed, candlelit version of shower sex. Lay back, submerge yourself, and merge with the warmth, if you know what I mean. Tub sex can be a great way to bond (both physically and emotionally) with your partner, and it gives you and your partner the option of sitting or lying down. Remember, tub sex (just like sex anywhere) is never limited to fully submerged sex. You can also try perching on the edge of the tub while your partner performs oral sex on you (or vice versa).

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Practical advice :

– To reduce your risk of developing a urinary tract infectionavoid adding bubbles, bath salts or oils to the water.

– If you or your partner have a mycosishold man out of water sex until it is completely cured to avoid passing it on and perpetuating a cycle of back-and-forth infection.

A swimming pool that reflects you

Pools are a real step up from your shower or bath in terms of space and buoyancy. If the deep end is a bit too much, start exploring each other in the shallow end. To allow for maximum frontal stimulation, have your partner sit on the stairs while you wrap your legs around their shoulders and float on your back. Make it even more fun and flirty by incorporating toys for added flotation: noodles, donuts, whatever works. However, when having pool sex, always be aware that, as with any sex that occurs while you’re submerged in water, there is a risk of infection. This is a very good reason not having fun in a public pool (gross, seriously).

Practical advice :

– I repeat, do not try your luck at a public pool. Private pools are not only generally cleaner, but they are also more private, and you won’t have to worry about injuring an innocent bystander or having someone call the police.

Heat in a hot tub

For those with a smaller tub, a hot tub can be a fun alternative. Not to mention, those magical jets can provide all sorts of gorgeous massages to really up the excitement factor, you say? So, feel free to incorporate them into a little foreplay action. Bonus: Many hot tubs have perfectly designed ledges and seats to provide support in different positions. Try facing your partner and straddling them while they sit. Then, slowly rock yourself to a magnificent orgasm.

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Practical advice :

– No matter what you’ve heard, hot tub sex is not not To avoid pregnancy, don’t give up your favorite birth control method(s). You heard it here first.

– Hot water and chlorine can cause a condom to break down. deteriorate, or even break, So make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to birth control and STI prevention.

A natural body in a natural body

Having sex in a natural body of water like an ocean, river, or lake can be a real thrill, and depending on where you’re located, it also offers a healthy dose of privacy. There are countless reasons to be excited about the mere possibility of having sex in open water, but the wonder of being at one with nature in the great outdoors pretty much sums it up. If the water is deep and the space is private, try lying on your back on an inner tube or raft while your partner uses the gentle current of the water to move their body in harmony with yours.

Practical advice :

– Unfortunately, there is no way to know if the water will be clean or if it has parasites, so find out as much as you can about the cleanliness of the water before trying it..

– TTo ensure you don’t break this old law, try to choose a sheltered body of water on private land. Otherwise, find an area that’s shallow enough to stand in, but far enough away that no one can see what you’re doing.

Bonus Tips

– As always, penetrative sex isn’t your only option, so explore! You might even discover that what turns you on in the water is different than what you crave in the bedroom.

– Water-based lubricants rinse off easily and water is not a a suitable lubricant, so make sure you always have a silicone-based lubricant on hand, which makes a difference.

– Condoms still work in cooler, non-chlorinated water. Just make sure you put them on. Before intervene to avoid unnecessary friction and slipping.

– Although it may be tempting to fall into bed once you’re done, always take the time to clean up, go peeAnd rehydrate.

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Bottom line: Sex in the water can be incredibly exciting, if not elemental. Of course, as with any sexual act, be sure to discuss potential risks and concerns ahead of time so you have a clear understanding of what to expect and what to avoid.

Here’s to a summer of eternal humidity for all. <3

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