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57 Expert Moves for Masterful Cunnilingus

illustration of women's vagina, illustration of vagina for oral sex

Delving into the world of intimacy is much like embarking on a shared journey with your partner. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just getting started, understanding the landscape, the hidden gems, and the potential pitfalls is essential. Our journey today is through the realm of oral pleasure – cunnilingus, a distinct territory with wonders to discover. Let’s equip ourselves with the best map and compass: knowledge and understanding.

Anatomy Lesson: The Female Landscape

Credit: VeryWellHealth

To truly appreciate and navigate the terrains of intimacy, we must first familiarize ourselves with the geography. With this foundational knowledge, you’ll be primed to foster a deeper, more informed connection with your partner.

  • The Clitoris: Often hailed as the epicenter of female pleasure, the clitoris is not just a “button” but a complex structure that extends internally. Boasting around 8,000 nerve endings (that’s double the nerve endings in the glans of a penis!), it’s incredibly sensitive, requiring both knowledge and finesse.
  • The Labia: The outer (labia majora) and inner (labia minora) lips of the vulva are more than just protective gates. They vary in size, shape, and color from person to person and can also be a source of pleasure when caressed gently.
  • The Vaginal Opening: Beyond its reproductive role, the vaginal entrance can be a source of pleasure. Though not as densely packed with nerve endings as the clitoris, its sensitivity can enhance the overall intimate experience.
  • The Urethra: This small opening, responsible for the passage of urine, sits closely nestled near the clitoris. While it doesn’t play a direct role in pleasure, being aware of its position is crucial for both comfort and hygiene.

word bubbles yes of course i like that etc, consent boundaries and communcation, safewords
Credit: Source Unknown

Exploring the world of intimacy is exhilarating, but we need to remember that everyone is different – and so are their comfort levels and boundaries. Even in established relationships, consent is still important (it might take less communication).

  • Always Ask for Consent: Before beginning, always make sure you have the green light. Consent is an ongoing conversation.
  • Know Their Boundaries: Just as you wouldn’t enter someone’s home without knocking, never assume what your partner is comfortable with. It’s always a good idea to ask and understand her limits. Surprisingly, only about 50% of couples regularly discuss boundaries, missing out on a crucial component of mutual respect.
  • Watch for Discomfort: If your partner seems uncomfortable, it might be time to change something. It could be what you’re doing, the location or position, or to stop altogether. Remember, not everyone is an all-star at sexual communication.

“True pleasure arises when both partners are attuned to each other’s desires and boundaries.”

  • Regular Check-ins: Building off the previous point, double-checking that she’s okay as you’re doing your thing can help with steering away from discomfort and towards pleasure. A simple “Is this okay?” can make all the difference.
  • Stay Patient: Intimacy is a journey, not a destination. Take your time, be patient, and prioritize your partner’s comfort. An orgasm doesn’t have to be the ultimate goal.
  • Safe Words: Think of these as emergency brakes. If things get too intense or uncomfortable, having a predetermined word can immediately halt the action and ensure everyone’s well-being. And yes, safewords can be for any sex act – not just BDSM!

Creating a Comfortable Atmosphere

two tea lights in rose petals, romantic atmosphere, relaxation techniques
Credit: Pexels
  • Music and Lighting: Soft lighting and some relaxing music can help set the mood. Think of it as the gentle lull of waves against a boat.
  • Comfort: Ensure both you and your partner are comfortable. Whether it’s the bed, a couch, or the kitchen counter. For some people, they’re not worried as much about how comfy they are. However, others might want a certain kind of lighting, temperature, softness, music, etc. There’s no right or wrong.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Techniques like deep breathing or even a sensual massage before diving in can enhance the experience manifold.
  • Hygiene and Cleanliness: About 75% of women express that personal hygiene significantly impacts their comfort during intimate moments. This includes them AND their partner.

Oral Hygiene: Why Cleanliness Is Important

blue toothbrush with tooth paste, oral hygiene, dental check ups, oral sex hygiene
Credit: Pexels

When embarking on such intimate journeys, cleanliness isn’t just about courtesy; it’s a necessity. Remember, your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Did you know that gum diseases can be transmitted during oral? Much like ensuring your car is in tip-top shape before a road trip, having regular dental check-ups is a must.
  • Maintaining Fresh Breath: Keeping your breath fresh isn’t just about mints; it’s about regular brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning. If someone’s kiss turns a person off, their mind might be thinking about what the other person is transferring during cunnilingus.
  • Diet Matters: Consuming a lot of garlic or asparagus? You might want to think again. What you eat can impact the taste and smell of your bodily fluids. So, while you might love that garlic bread, maybe skip it on date night.

Starting Slow: The Gentle Approach

woman and man being intimate in bed, foreplay, erogenous zones
Credit: Pexels

Rushing can make the journey jarring. As in the words of the famous poet Rumi, “Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth.” Here’s how:

  • Foreplay is Fundamental: Did you know that women, on average, take about 10-20 minutes to become fully aroused? This is often longer than men. Take time to explore other erogenous zones like the neck, ears, or inner thighs to heighten her anticipation.
  • Gentle Touches: The skin is the body’s largest organ and is covered with thousands of nerve endings. Light touches, soft kisses, and tender strokes can amplify the sensations and set the right mood.
  • Observing Reactions: Paying close attention to her body language will provide cues. A deepened breath, a subtle arch of the back, or even a soft moan can be indicators of pleasure. These non-verbal cues are just as valuable as verbal affirmations.

The Mental Connection: Not Just a Physical Journey

illustration graphic of brain, mental connection to sex and intimacy
Credit: Pexels

Oral pleasure isn’t just about the physical. It’s about diving deep into the emotional ocean and uncovering treasures of connection and intimacy.

  • Build Anticipation: We all can probably remember the shivering thrill of something just before it happened. Building this feeling during foreplay can turn a shudder into an earthquake.
  • Fantasies & Role Play: The mind is a powerful tool. Using fantasies or engaging in role-play can add a thrilling dimension to the act. And don’t feel ashamed of what turns you on! Many fantasies are more common than you think!
  • Stay Present: Engage all your senses. Focus on the here and now.

Techniques & Tricks: Crafting Your Technique

black woman sticking out tongue, oral sex tips, oral sex ideas, oral sex advice
Credit: Pexels

When you’ve set the stage, and you’re ready to delve deeper, having a repertoire of techniques can be your toolkit. But remember, while tools are handy, it’s the craftsman’s skill that makes the difference.

  • The Flat Tongue Technique: Remember the 8,000 nerve endings? Use a flat tongue to gently lap over this sensitive area and send waves of pleasure.
  • The Alphabet Trick: Some find spelling out the alphabet with their tongue to be a fun way to vary the sensations. While it may sound a bit quirky, varying motions can be a game-changer.
  • Try Rimming: This act is where you stimulate the outside of the anus with your tongue (another area with lots of nerve endings). Remember to use a different dental dam for bum stuff!
  • Know When to “Stay”: While changing sensations is exquisite, there comes a point where she will approach orgasm. Assuming there’s no edging involved, it’s at that point that most women will want the other person to “stay” with whatever they’re doing. The motion, pressure, etc. “Like that, don’t stop” is a phrase you’ll often hear.

YouTube/Hitomi Mochizuki – How to Give Oral Pleasure

While nature has given us all the primary tools we need, sometimes using a little extra can turn a pleasant journey into an unforgettable experience.

  • Sex Toys: Vibrators, love eggs, and other intimate toys can be game-changing.
  • Lubricants: A good quality sex lube is important for pretty much any sexual event.
  • Edible Lubricants: Flavored lubes are another great choice. Just make sure they are good ones and your partner isn’t allergic.
  • Cooling or Warming Gels: The light tingle or deep pulse that comes with these gels can be utterly amazing. But again, be careful of allergies. Warming gels are often made with capsicum (coming from hot peppers).
  • Kinky Stuff: Relying on just one sense can heighten the others. Try basic handcuffs, blindfolds, etc.

Common Mistakes & Challenges

man sticking out his tongue, oral sex techniques, oral sex mistakes
Credit: Pexels

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Over-enthusiasm: Passion is great, but too much, too soon can be overwhelming. Especially given that some areas down there can be incredibly sensitive. Too much pressure too fast is often a no-no
  • Sticking to One Technique: Make sure you’re mixing things up and observing her reactions to new switch-ups.
  • Neglecting Other Erogenous Zones: Don’t ignore them. Learn her favorites
  • Using Teeth Inadvertently: A gentle nibble can be tantalizing, but unexpected teeth can be jarring. Granted, pain thresholds are different for each person. So it might be something to communicate on ahead of time.

Navigating Challenges

  • Hygiene Worries: As we talked about before, hygiene is a common concern in oral. Regular bathing or even showering together before the act can mitigate such concerns.
  • Fear of Performance: Performance anxiety is real – on BOTH sides. Communication, practice, and understanding can help in overcoming this.
  • Past Traumas: Past experiences can sometimes cast shadows over new pleasures. If a partner has had negative experiences related to intimacy, it’s essential to be patient, understanding, and possibly seek professional guidance or therapy.

How to Have Safe Oral Sex

hand holding a dental dam, safe sex, oral safe sex
Credit: Source Unknown

When it comes to oral sex with women, a surprising number of people don’t practice safe sex as much as they would if it was a penis. Here is some eye-opening info and advice to keep you safe, well … safer. Because we all know there’s no such thing as 100% safe sex.

  • Barrier Methods: Dental dams (which are like square pieces of latex) can be used to cover the vulva or anus during oral sex. It acts as a barrier, preventing the direct transfer of bodily fluids, and thus, any potential STIs.
  • Understanding STIs: Understanding the risks of things like herpes, HPV, or syphilis, which can be transmitted through oral sex, is essential. Around 50% of people will get an STI at some point in their lives, so do what you can to be in the other 50%.

“Informed choices in the bedroom are the best choices. Knowledge is protection.”

  • Communication: Beforehand, discussing both your and your partner’s sexual history and any potential STIs is non-negotiable (no matter how uncomfortable it may seem). It needs to be the new normal of sexual practices in modern life.
  • Get Tested: Regular STI testing gives you clarity, ensures safety, and keeps people safe (of course, as long as the other side is being safe too).

STIRisk Without BarrierRisk With BarrierNotes
Herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2)Moderate-HighLowCan be transmitted if either partner has an outbreak or is shedding the virus.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)ModerateLowSome strains can lead to cancers; vaccines are available.
SyphilisLow-ModerateVery LowCan be transmitted through contact with a syphilitic sore or rash.
GonorrheaLowVery LowOral infections can result in a sore throat.
ChlamydiaLowVery LowWhile rarer, oral transmission is possible and can lead to an oral infection.
HIVVery LowExtremely LowRisk is significantly lower than for vaginal or anal sex, but transmission can occur through open sores.

Aftercare & Feedback: Not Just For BDSM!

man and woman in bed smiling, oral sex intimacy, oral sex communication
Credit: Pexels
  • Adopt a Growth Mindset: Every experience is a learning opportunity. Adopting a mindset that embraces feedback, rather than shying away from it, makes sure that your next experiences will be all the better.
    • Post-Encounter Discussions: After your wonderful pillow play, take a moment to discuss what worked and what didn’t, and what needs fine-tuning.
    • Practice ACTIVE Listening: Really listen to your partner’s feedback. Soak in every word and expression.
    • Don’t Take It Personally: If there were things she didn’t like, or things didn’t work at all. Don’t get butt hurt and defensive. Our bodies are complicated (even for solo masturbation it can be difficult). Not to mention different days with different stress or problems, etc. Support, non-judgment, and confidence are sexy as hell.

“After the heat, hit the seat. Your bladder will thank you!”

  • Hygiene: Some people are more comfortable cleaning up afterward.
  • Cuddle Time: Physical intimacy isn’t just about the main event. The closeness, shared smiles, and soft touches afterward are just as important.
  • Stay Hydrated: Hydration is vital after intimate acts, especially for women. Peeing after will help flush out your urethra of any possible, unexpected bacteria or unknowns that might have found their way in there. It’s the same idea as after sex.
  • Use Technology: There are apps and feedback tools designed to improve intimate relationships – if sex tech is your thing, that is.

Experimentation: Charting New Pleasures

lesbian couple about to kiss, sexual intimacy
Credit: Freepik

The beauty of intimacy, much like the vast ocean, is that there’s always more to explore and learn.

  • Introduce New Scenarios: Instead of the bed, how about the shower? New settings can bring a whole new world of sensations.
  • Educate Yourself: Read up on different cultures and their intimate practices.
  • Stay Up To Date: New toys and enhancements keep popping up.
  • Books and Workshops: From expert-authored books that dive deep (pun intended!) into techniques and emotional aspects, to workshops that offer guided, safe spaces for couples to explore and learn.
  • Online Forums and Communities: In today’s digital age, online communities have become a treasure trove of shared experiences, advice, and tips.
  • Professional Counseling: Sex therapists and counselors can provide invaluable insights, especially if challenges or concerns are hampering one’s intimate journey.

Final Thoughts

When embarking on the voyage of oral intimacy, remember that it’s about more than just techniques or hitting the right spots. It’s about connection, trust, exploration, and mutual respect. The rhythm of the waves, the warmth of the sun, and the thrill of new horizons – they all come together to create a beautiful experience.

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