Knowledge Dissemination

The Wierd and Wounderous pt. II


I was wondering if anyone knows a decent suplier or shop etc. where one can buy the more exotic butt plugs and eneme nozzles.
One of the things I keep running into for instance is hollow buttplugs that wont stay in place. they go in just fine, but when for instance lying in a gyno chair they pop out really easy etc, that, or you need industrial equipment to stretch enough to fit them.
Also, why do most plugs seem to all have about the same size stem? makes it so much harder to do some proper stretching etc.

If anyone knows a decent shop for stuff like this it would be more than welcome.

I already have the full range of medtech stuff, some randsom amazon finds that hardly work or dont live long.
I am however always looking for the interresting stuff and thought I might throw a line out in this grp.
Getting silliconenozzles to ship to here (mid europe) usually costs more than their products,

Kinda getting stuck on these issues up t the point where I might have to design, 3d-print and mould my own stuff 😛

Any tips or links would be more than welcome,

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