You heard it here first: Getting in the mood isn’t limited to sex with a lover. Taking care of your own body, stoking your own desire, and feeling all of your emotions is an absolute necessity, whether you are a couple or single—or anywhere in between.
Pleasure is not a mere luxury, after all. It is a fundamental necessity for our overall well-being. Masturbation offers countless mental and physical health benefitsand the best part is that it’s probably the most fun activity you can do without spending a dime.
Maybe you’re aware of all this—on an intellectual level—but you’re still struggling to get into a masturbatory mindset. Fact: In our modern work bubbles, there are about 10 billion ways to distract ourselves from our legitimate, full-on pleasure. In other words, lose our libidoStress and anxietyto depression, to side effects of medications, tight relationships, vaginal health problemsand everything that happens under the invigorating sun, it’s hard to be human.
That being said, when you have the will, there are certainly ways to hack your own resistance to the pleasure zone. The next time your head says yes but your body hesitates (or vice versa), consider these 9 tips to help you get over that hump, right?
1. Take care of your erotic hygiene
This one is not talking about sexual hygienealthough that is still important too. Erotic hygiene goes much deeper: while it can certainly include anything related to your sex life, it’s about entering into a sensual, pleasure-oriented relationship. mindset—one in which you don’t put up walls that keep you from being in the present moment And in your body. A place where you rest and don’t rush. A place where screens aren’t your only focal point. Think of a sensual sanctuary… the rest will come. Pun intended.
2. Consider CBD Oil
Although there are countless reasons to avoid substance use like alcohol And even grass when exploring sexual pleasure (sober can be very hot), CBD oil It doesn’t get you high but rather helps you relax. An investigation revealed that 68% of people who have tried CBD said it improved their sexual experience, and others said it helped them relax or improve their mood. And if you tend to have painful sex due to injury or health issue, there are CBD oils that can be used for lubrication, as well as reduce inflammation And increase serotoninhelping your body choose pleasure over pain.
3. Explore your erogenous zones
As with partnered sex, it can sometimes be difficult to rush through to the main event. age quickly. While you may understandably feel like you need a quick release and nothing more, there are times when you may be restless with your entire you can move mountains. In other words, explore your erogenous zones:all those beautiful sights just steps away from the main attraction: your breasts, your hips, your thighs, your belly button, Your nipplesYou might be surprised at the hidden/dormant desires (or rather demands) your neglected parts have in store for you.
4. Try a natural aphrodisiac
Some people swear by the power of a good old aphrodisiac to get their juices flowing. Cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, for example, are all warming herbs that increase blood flow to the abdominal and pelvic regions, increasing vaginal moisture and intensifying sexual pleasure. And then you have celery, which stimulates the pituitary gland—one of the most important glands for the release of sex hormones. Pomegranates increase testosterone (necessary for a healthy libido in people of all genders) and lower cortisol levelswhich means less mess and more heat and hassle.
5. Find the right toy
There has never been a more delicious range of sex toys to choose from toys for every desire, need, fantasy and preference. vibrators of all kinds, to dildos of all sizes, anal toysa wide choice of kink enhancing accessories, sex furniture— you say it, you got it. So why not increase your personal pleasure power for the win? By the way: a good the vibrator can really get you in the mood if you weren’t already.
6. Find the right fantasy
Your dirty mind is your gateway to sensual heaven, if you let it, so let it run free, if you dare. taboo or forbidden your deepest, most powerful fantasies It may be that in the realm of solo pleasure, there are many things that are permissible that you don’t have to share with anyone else unless you want to. Maybe you get off easier by imagining that a group of men are lined up, watching you, waiting to give you their turn. Maybe it’s a fantasy role playing gameAnyway, do you RIGHT.
7. Try porn or erotica
If you are particularly visual or talkative, try watching a few ethical pornOr listen Or read hot erotic literature to get you in the mood. Hell, you could even experiment with write some of your ownYou may need to take a break sooner than you think to recharge your creative batteries.
8. Do a DIY photoshoot
Wearing lingerie isn’t just for other people. If you own some, you probably already know that. Why not dress up to the nines (whether in lingerie or whatever else makes you feel sexy) – for you and you alone. And just because, why not up the ante by hosting a DIY Boudoir Photoshoot? Not only will having the pictures to look at be a boon to your confidence, but the process itself will definitely make you feel hot and might in turn get you wet. So it’s worth a try.
9. Embrace mindfulness
Aware Or tantric Masturbation is key. It involves slowing down your pace, engaging in deep, mindful breathwork, tapping into a meditative mindset, and letting go of destination obsessions like O-town in favor of the multi-textured journey itself. Mindfully masturbating can give you a deeper understanding of your own desires, as well as enhance your overall sexual experience, both of which can put you in the mood for exploration much more often.
Happy Masturbation can! May you enjoy the daily pleasure of yourself, this month and every moment of your life. <3