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6 Ways to Practice Self-Love This Valentine’s Day | Sex Toys

6 Ways to Practice Self-Love This Valentine's Day | Sex Toys

Certainly, the traditional/conventional/common focus of Valentine’s Day is most certainly romantic love between partners, but there has thankfully been a movement towards greater inclusion of love in recent years. Valentine’s dayfor example, that is, celebrating Valentine’s Day with your best friends, even has its own day: February 13th. What could be more rewarding than breaking free from the shackles of a sickly romantic flutter of eyelashes (right?!), to celebrate the deep love you share with your friends? Well, it’s a matter of preference, you see, because some would answer: “self-esteem, bitches,” and they wouldn’t be wrong.

While there’s nothing wrong with celebrating the love, romance, and sensuality you share with your partners, and even your friends, there’s definitely something very important to be said as well. take time to celebrate your sweet personality on this Valentine’s Day, you know, by practicing self-love. Because whether you’re in a relationship, single, or just don’t care at all, self-love do indeed, you have to practice, you say?

6 Ways to Practice Self-Love This Valentine's Day | Sex Toys 6 Ways to Practice Self Love This Valentines Day

And since your relationship with yourself is fundamental to every other relationship in your life, chances are it could use a little more attention (or a lot).

This Valentine’s Day and every day, consider incorporating these 6 ways to practice self-love. You’ll thank yourself later.

1. Treat yourself.

You saw this one cum. Masturbation = exhilaration, after all. Showing your physical body some love is a basic form of self-esteem Indeed-even if you are in a relationship with another human. Use your hand, buy yourself a new toy—all you need to find what feels good. In a masturbation rut? Have you reached the point where you can only make yourself cum by doing quickies? Maybe it’s time to explore tantric Or conscious masturbation. Though there is incredible benefits for mental and physical health to obtain simply by reaching orgasm, by going, uh, Deeper with yourself can have untold benefits on your heart, mind and sex life.

2. Prepare a care package for yourself.

If you’ve ever received a package from a family member or friend, you know how nice it can feel and how loved you feel. If you’ve never had that experience, that’s all the more reason to treat yourself to a Valentine’s Day gift. Simply fill a pretty box or basket with a few of your favorite things. This could include: dark chocolate, herbal tea, incense, lavender essential oil, high-quality essential oils water based lubricantand that sex toy Santa didn’t want to have you because you were too naughty. After all, sex toys are on the front lines of personal care-You heard it here the first time.

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3. Be selfish by learning to say “no.”

We all overcommit ourselves these days, but we can’t help it because the world as we know it is designed to exploit us for its own nefarious purposes. This is a true story. Not only is overcommitment counterproductive, it can also lead to increased addiction. stress, anxietyburnout, the list goes on. Setting boundaries is essential, not only in your professional life, but also in your personal life. We are taught that being “selfish” is always negative, when in fact, putting your needs and wants first at least some of the time can be the key to your survival. Practice saying no. Better yet, stop saying yes to people and experiences that simply don’t align with your values. You’ll free up life energy for better things.

4. Breathe.

Deep breathing for as little as three minutes Every day you can reduce your stress, lower your heart rate, and balance your blood pressure. It’s the simplest and easiest form of self-love we have as a species. You can download apps like Calm or The Breathing App, read Breath by James Nestor, or take a Kundalini Breathing class to master breathing techniques that allow you to hack your system (so to speak) and help your energy flow more freely. After all, blocked energy leads to a whole host of physical and emotional well-being issues. Think of your breath as your most reliable life blueprint and you should be golden.

5. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself.

Pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Are you always telling yourself, “I’m not good at this,” or “Why wouldn’t this work for me?” or “I’m not doing enough?” The more you catch yourself saying something mean (and most likely very untrue) to yourself, change your self-talk. If you don’t believe yourself when you say, “I’m getting better at this,” or “Why wouldn’t this work for me?” or “I’m doing so much,” give yourself time. Practice makes perfect. Tip: Talk to yourself like you would a loved one; we tend to be much less critical of others.

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6. Be creative.

Some would say that our creative urges are closely tied to our sexual urges. This need to create something new, or to express ourselves without inhibition, goes hand in hand with our desire to start over and over again (until we procreate, or at least write a book!). Develop your own love story by keeping a journal in which you write poems, diary entries, dreams, dirty fantasiesor whatever you desire. Put on some music that you’ve always wanted to listen to, but for some reason, haven’t found the time. Set an alarm every hour to remind yourself to get up and dance to a song before heading back to your home office. new and creative ways to love your beautiful body. You can do it.

This Valentine’s Day, tell yourself that you love yourself and you mean it. And if you don’t mean it, say it anyway and try one or more of the strategies above to better live that truth. They work if you want them to. <3

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