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47 Best Blow Job Tips That Make Him Worship You

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You want blow job tips? I’ve got your blow job tips!

On this page, you’ll discover 47 powerful, seductive, mind-numbingly-orgasmic blow job tips that will make him worship you like the sex-goddess you are.

No whip cream or fancy gadgets needed. Just downright potent and sexy blow job tips to take your head game to the next level.

Incorporate even a few of these blowjob tips into your routine and he’ll be eating out of your hand in no time.

Regardless of if you absolutely adore giving head, or you’re timid and uncertain, this article is guaranteed to improve your oral skillset.

Ready? Great! Let’s dive right in!

47 Powerful Blow Job Tips That Will Make Him Worship You

1. Tell him he has a blowjob coming

One of the best (and simplest) ways to build anticipation for your man? Inform him that he has a blowjob coming later on in the day.

Whether you whisper it in his ear after breakfast, or you tell him just before he heads out to work for the day, this is a deceptively powerful thing you can do.

That way, he’ll inevitably be spending the rest of the day looking forward to reuniting with you and connecting intimately.

2. Text him about it ahead of time

Now, whether you tell him about his blowjob mid-day, exclusively through text, or you tell him verbally in the morning and then continue to remind (aka tease) him about it throughout the day is entirely up to you.

Not sure what kind of things to text him to keep him maximally excited? Check out my Ultimate Sexting Guide for some ideas.

3. Set the scene

Surprise, surprise! Men are not the 2-dimensional caricatures that are often portrayed in mainstream TV and movies.

Men also benefit from being invited into their senses. You can help get him out of his head and bring him more fully into the blowjob experience by putting on music that makes you feel sexy and empowered, putting a scent in the air (via candle, incense, or essential oil diffuser) that you both love, and surrounding yourselves with fabrics that you both like touching.

The detail might not seem that important, but if you find yourself kneeling on a pillow and the pillow fabric feels rough against your knees, this seemingly insignificant detail will eventually impact the quality of the experience for the both of you.

So instead of just sprinting into it haphazardly, really allow yourself to make a meal of the experience.

And you can either set up the space ahead of time (so that he comes home to a surprise), or you can set it up while he’s around and let the anticipation build even more as he waits patiently for his decadent pleasure.

4. Take a sexy shower together

It’s no secret that no matter how much you love your partner’s natural scent, there will be times when they’ve had just a little bit too much time pass since their last shower. Maybe it’s been a few days since their last thorough rinse, or maybe they just got home from a particularly intense (i.e. sweaty) workout. Or, maybe you’re just an especially neat and tidy person. Whatever your reason is, it’s totally valid. You’re allowed to want your man’s genitals to be freshly washed, if that’s how you want them to be.

But instead of making a big awkward deal of it, you can simply ask him to join you for a quick shower.

Get the water to a mutually agreeable temperature, soap him up, and rinse him off. All the while, touching his body and teasing him with passionate kisses.

Not only is a sexy shower an easy way to get his genitals nice and clean, it’s also a simple way to get him even more connected to his own body before the big blow down.

5. Touch his crotch over his pants/underwear

Well before you take him into your mouth, take your hand and rub his crotch from over his clothing (pants, or underwear, depending on how the situation is starting).

You can just do this for a few seconds before having him disrobe, and it will add to the anticipation and excitement for him.

6. Take a while warming him up

Remember, whether or not they would ever tell you this, men enjoy foreplay just as much as you do. It might not be as much of a necessity, but it is still highly beneficial for him.

So take your time when you’re teasing him before the actual blowjob begins.

7. Touch his whole body during foreplay

Not only should you take your time warming him up, but you should also incorporate his whole body.

Touch his arms, chest, belly, and legs. Run your fingers along his inner thighs. Let his whole body wake up with your touch. This kind of whole body touch will only heighten the pleasure he will eventually be begging to experience.

8. Start slowly

A superficial blowjob is localized (focused exclusively on his penis) and rushed.

A deeply nourishing and infinitely more pleasurable blowjob incorporates his whole body and starts slower.

Take your time before you dive in. Let the anticipation build. You want to get him to a place where he’s starting to squirm because he wants to feel you that badly.

9. His build up is far more forgiving

One of the blow job tips that I often tell women that brings them a great deal of relief is that you don’t need to maintain perfect rhythm or continue the exact same thing flawlessly as your man approaches his orgasm..

In other words, you’re allowed to mix things up and you likely won’t ruin the momentum. Why? Because his arousal arch build up is far more forgiving than yours.

It’s far more common for a woman to want the same thing, at the same rhythm as she builds up to her climax. But again (take a deep breath and really let this in), he differs from you in this way.

So if you can sense he’s nearing his orgasm and his penis accidentally slips out of your mouth, or something about the stimulation goes a little off for a second, don’t assume that it ruined his orgasm (or that it even negatively impacted it at all).

10. Make sure you’re in the right position for maximum comfort

When it comes to delivering a phenomenal blowjob, your comfort is key.

Even if a position is visually appealing for him, it matters more that you are comfortable. Why? Because your comfort means you will be able to have blowjob stamina, should you need it.

So do whatever you need to to feel more comfortable. Use pillows or props to put yourself in a position that you can easily be in for 10-20 minutes.

Comfort is key. So use anything and everything you need to be maximally comfortable.

11. If he loves your butt, do the Full Moon position

In the Full Moon position, you simply kneel on either side of his body, with your face pointing towards his feet and your butt closer to his face.

If your man adores your booty, he will be in heaven while he gets to grab, kiss, and caress you, while also being orally stimulated.

blow job tips

12. If he loves your breasts, incorporate them into the blowjob

Truth be told? On blind sensation alone, breasts don’t necessarily feel as amazing against a man’s penis as your mouth does. The main reason being that your mouth can provide a lot more nuanced stimulation than breasts can.

But if your man loves your breasts, the visual and the idea of your breasts being incorporated into the sexual play is very hot.

If your man adores your breasts, this particular position should be a regular in your sexual repertoire (just make sure you have enough time to shower after, because there can be considerably more mess after you engage in this position).

47 Best Blow Job Tips That Make Him Worship You HandjobPositions TheTittyfuck

13. If he loves giving you pleasure at the same time, you can 69

In this position, you lie on top of him while he stimulates your genitals with his hands and/or mouth, while you focus part of your attention on fondling his penis.

This position excels in a number of ways. With 69’ing, immediate reciprocity, great visuals, and overall physical connectedness get to happen all at the same time.

47 Best Blow Job Tips That Make Him Worship You HandjobPositions The69

14. Pick the position that is both comfortable for you, and sexy for him

Ultimately, for the best blowjob experience, you’ll want to pick a position that works well for both of you. 

If you want more ideas for positions, check out my two articles on blowjob positions and handjob positions for a verified all-you-can-eat buffet of options.

15. Kiss your way down his body

Assuming that kissing your man on the mouth is a common part of your mutual foreplay, you can then naturally kiss a trail of kisses from his mouth, slowly, down to his manhood.

After your lips part ways, you could kiss him on the neck, then the chest, down his torso, and near his cock. This tantalizingly slow trail of kisses (again) lets him feel the build up of anticipation, and makes your first contact with his genitals that much more satisfying.

16. Kiss all over his cock with little peck kisses

Once he has undressed and you’ve got his penis in front of you, I recommend kissing his cock all over with soft, slow ‘peck’ style kisses.

This allows his penis to get some direct stimulation while still letting the anticipation continue to build. Is it obvious yet that I think slow and steady wins the race? Because it totally does. The longer you make him wait (within reason) for the first real, thorough oral contact, the better the release of satisfaction will be.

17. Lap him up and take him in

When you’re ready to take him into your mouth (or he’s about to pass out from the anticipation, whichever comes first), do this move to begin. Take your flat, wide tongue and slide it from the base of his shaft (where the underside of his penis meets his scrotum) all the way up to the tip, and then take the head of his cock into your mouth.

This move lets you interact with the full length of his penis while still stretching out one last moment of teasing… and immediately follows it with the ever-so-satisfying pay off of finally being able to feel the wet inside of your warm mouth.

18. Play with the location

Another blow job tip to consider is where you physically do it.

For maximum comfort, doing it on the bed, couch, or a chair might work best for you.

For your inner voyeur, doing it in front of a mirror might be the most exciting.

If you’re both into riskier sexual play, you could do it in fun locations that provide a sense of risk (for example, a car wash, a movie theater, in a tent while camping, or on a boat). For more risky ideas, check out this article on the 5 Types of Blowjobs you can give him.

As always, you’ll want to find a location that is comfortable for both of you, and/or fun/exciting for both of you, depending on what you’re optimizing for in that particular sex session.

19. Let your hands do most of the work

Yes, even though it is called a blow job, and the name suggest that it is primarily a mouth-oriented task, you can actually easily get away with your well-lubricated hands doing most of the work.

The feeling of your warm, wet mouth is very enjoyable to an erect penis. And yet, a mouth also has its limitations. One of the key limitations is that a mouth cannot provide nearly as much pressure as hands can.

So, can’t deep throat? All good! Simply use your two wet hands to stimulate most of his penis shaft while your mouth is on the head.

Experiencing a case of sore jaw and you want him to cum faster? Simply increase the pressure (aka tightness) and speed of your lubricated hands and he’ll get there in no time.

20. Use a lot of wetness

What’s sexier? A flowing river… or a dry, lifeless desert?

The river, of course! Why? Because water is inherently life-giving. And so, you can bring more life to your blowjobs by making them wetter.

Not only does abundant lubrication ensure that he will never experience a single moment of a too-dry hand rubbing too aggressively on his penis shaft (ouch!), but there’s also something naughty-sexy about a too-wet blowjob. It almost seems like you’re enjoying yourself so much and so into his cock that you forgot to swallow any of your saliva.

So, the action step? Try not swallowing any of your saliva throughout the next blowjob you give him and see how he responds. Post-blowjob wet spot on the bed be damned… great sex is messy sex. So let ‘er rip.

21. Include his balls

Any list of blow job tips worth its salt is incomplete if we don’t mention playing with his balls.

A man’s testicles are exquisitely sensitive and, for the vast majority of men, are a great source of pleasure.

So whether you stimulate his testicles/scrotum with your wet hand, or you give your jaw a break and simply lick them for a while, they are an integral part of his anatomy to include in the blow job experience.

22. Incorporate anal stimulation if he’s into it

The anus (in both men and women) is home to a massive bundle of pleasure receptors. In other words, it is a highly sensitive erogenous zone that feels amazing to be touched.

Does this mean that every man is open to it being touched? No, it doesn’t. But if you’re in a relationship with the man you’re going down on and you know that he is open to receiving anal pleasure, I highly recommend giving his rosebud some loving attention.

It’s also worth mentioning that the anus (similar to the G-spot in women) tends to be more receptive to touch when the man is already highly aroused. So you might want to save the anal play for the back-half of the blowjob.

23. Be mindful of your teeth

blow job tips, blowjob tips

While there is a small subset of men who enjoy some light teeth-grazing as a form of stimulation, it’s safe to assume that the majority of men do not. In fact, a poorly timed scrape with the teeth could knock him back several notches on the arousal scale. So teeth are something you’ll want to be careful with when it comes to giving him blowjobs.

I know that some women who love giving blowjobs simply have smaller mouths and/or well-endowed partners, and this is unfortunate, but where there’s a will there’s a way. When unintentional teeth scraping occurs, you can always try wrapping your lips around your teeth for short-term cock protection, or just not take him as far into your mouth. Doing one or both of those things tends to mitigate the teeth-scrape risk.

24. Be present with your touch, and find a way to enjoy it

Alright, we’re nearing the halfway mark of these blow job tips. I hope you’re not skimming over the thing that seem to be simple at face value. Because oftentimes the simplest blow job tips can have the greatest impact.

Like this one for example!

One of the most important blow job tips you could take on, is to simply be more present with your touch. To really put your full presence into what you’re doing with your hands, mouth, and body.

What do I mean by presence? Well, you know how you can do anything sloppily… haphazardly… just going through the motions? Doing something with full presence is the opposite of that. It’s to bring your full attention and awareness to the task at hand (or, in this case, mouth).

When you bring your full attention to what you’re doing, you can truly feel his skin at your fingertips. You know exactly what your tongue is doing and why. You’re letting your body and your intuition guide you. Instead of doing things from a place of should-thinking, you’re letting your natural, moment-to-moment impulses guide you, because it feels good. That’s what you should be aiming for at every step of a blowjob.

25. Touch him how you want to touch him

When it comes to the entire blowjob experience, you always want to be engaging with his body in a way that feels enjoyable to you.

Your un-rushed, present and engaged touch will do more than any technique because he’ll be able to tell that you’re enjoying yourself. And really, there’s nothing more arousing than knowing your partner loves being sexual with you.

26. Use flavoured lube

Yes, these last three blow job tips are more about your pleasure than his, but it still benefits the both of you. Why? Because the more fun you’re having, the more fun he’ll end up having as a downstream byproduct.

If you haven’t tried any flavoured lubricants in the last few years, great news, they’ve been working on them and there’s some way better options on the market than there were a decade ago.

In fact, whatever your favourites flavour is (cotton candy, vanilla, lime, birthday cake, etc.) there’s a good chance there’s a flavoured lube of it now.

So if you want your next blowjob experience to taste like a super-fun mouth-based theme park, I’d recommend checking out the flavoured lube section at your local high end sex toy store.

27. Make sounds

One of the best ways to keep him out of his head and in maximum-pleasure land is to simply make noise.

You can moan. When your mouth is full, you can do little ‘mmmmm”s.

And when your mouth isn’t full you can…..

28. Use dirty talk

Yes, you can absolutely incorporate dirty talk into a blowjob experience (when your mouth is free and clear of any body parts).

A few examples of things you could say (depending on your level of comfort), would be:

– Do you like it when I go slow like this?

– I love the sounds you’re making.

– Mmm, I love this… I could do this all night.

– I love the way you look at me.

– Does that feel good, baby?

And if you’d like to see a full list of things you can say during the deed, I’d recommend checking out my blowjob dirty talk article.

29. Deep throating

The biggest thing you need to know about deep throating is that, overall, deep throating is overrated. Simply using your two wet hands to stroke his shaft while you take him into your mouth will achieve the same end result, if not better.

If you are a rare person with no gag reflex and you enjoy deep throating, by all means, feel free to deep throat. But don’t worry if you can’t.

And FYI, if you want to, you can also temporarily suppress your gag reflex somewhat by squeezing your folded thumb underneath your other four fingers (like a fist with your thumb in the middle). 

(Want to learn how to fall in love with giving blowjobs? Check out this bonus video interview featuring my wife and I, from our Queen of Blowjobs program, on this exact topic.)

30. Try tying him up

These next two blow job tips are for any couple who are wanting to experiment with power dynamics.

First, consider tying him up before you start.

You can do this so that you are in full control and his only choice is to lie back and enjoy. Or, you could do this occasionally because maybe he loves touching you a lot during blowjobs, and so denying him that ability (every now and then) could add an extra spice for the two of you.

You can either tie his hands to themselves (like with sexy handcuffs), or you can tie each of his wrists, individually, to bed posts so that there’s no way he can touch you mid-blowjob.

So, tying him up is the first of the two blow job tips that play with kinkier power dynamics, and the second one is…..

31. Blindfold him

You can limit his sense of sight by covering his eyes with something. You could use a scarf, a sleep mask, or a silk blindfold that you can find at any local sex toy shop.

The fun with this tip is that when he can’t see what’s going on, his sense will be heightened and he’ll feel every touch, every lick, every bit of physical stimulation that much more.

32. Hold a small vibrator to the underside of his penis shaft

A vibrator? On a penis!?

That’s right! It’s a fact. Turns out vibrators are not just for women.

If you take a small vibrator and hold it to the underside of his penis shaft (ideally low-to-mid shaft) it can be incredibly arousing for your man.

As with most blow job tips, this one will be more pleasurable for some than others, so give it a shot and see what your man thinks. One word of caution, you’ll likely want to hold the vibrator solely against his penis shaft and not have it touch his testicles, as some men will find the vibrations on their testicles to be less-than-ideal, especially during the first half of a blowjob.

33. Bring your pleasure into the mix

Use a vibrator, or manually touch yourself during the blowjob, and it will escalate the experience even more for both of you.

Remember, he wants you to enjoy yourself. And he will love hearing your authentic moans of pleasure.

34. Film it so he can watch it again later

If you are in a committed relationship with a man that you trust fully, you can also consider filming the blowjob (obviously, with his awareness and consent) so that he can relive the experience later on.

What’s sexier to your man than watching erotic movies? Watching erotic movies where he’s the star!

Not sure where to start with filming these kinds of videos? Check out my article on How To Make Homemade Porn That Doesn’t Suck.

35. Don’t worry about how you look

I’ve heard from many women through the years who were worried about how they looked while giving their man a blowjob. They would worry that they looked silly, or that they didn’t look at their best or most put together while doing the deed.

And, listen, his penis is in your mouth. Trust me, he is absolutely thrilled with how you look because he is currently in heaven. 

He isn’t wasting precious mental energy thinking about the state of your makeup, or whether or not there’s saliva on your chin or nose. He is solely focused on receiving maximum pleasure from this beautiful, intimate gift you’re giving him.

So I give you full permission to drop any and all worries about how you look, and put your focus back on having fun.

36. Use a masturbation sleeve to mix things up

A masturbation sleeve (also known as a stroker) is exactly what it sounds like: a sleeve made for masturbation. It’s a piece of rubbery plastic that’s sole job is to provide pleasure to the man’s penis.

Some men have used these, but at this point in time, I would say that most haven’t. Which is great news for you, as you get to show him something new.

The benefit of the masturbation sleeve to you is that it takes pressure off of needing to use both of your hands (as you can use one hand to move the stroker up and down and provide stimulation to his entire penis shaft) and you also don’t need to squeeze as hard with your one hand, because the stroker does most of the work!

You can find sleeves/strokers online, or at your local high end sex store.

37. Don’t be afraid to make eye contact

blow job tips

While eye contact isn’t a necessity, it can be super sexy at the right moment.

Some men are more into eye contact than others, so try this out and see how he responds.

It’s good to remember that eye contact doesn’t have to be super extended. You absolutely do not (and should not) maintain eye contact for minutes on end, because at a certain point that just becomes aggressive and weird (and if you aren’t blinking, your eyes would dry out).

But for a few seconds… for a moment… eye contact can be very sexy during a blowjob.

38. Lick his frenulum

Is this the first time you’ve heard of the frenulum? His frenulum is located at the underside of the head of his penis. For many men, this is one of the most (if not the most) sensitive parts of his entire penis.

You can throw in some frenulum licking at the beginning of the blowjob, during it, or to finish him off.

39. Use your tongue to lap him up

At any point in the blowjob process, you can use your tongue to lick him. And depending on how much tongue you’re using, this could give your jaw a well-needed break).

You can either lick the whole shaft, bottom to top (with a flat, wide tongue), or you can just use the tip of your tongue to lick his frenulum. Either way, a welcome break for your jaw because your mouth doesn’t need to open nearly as wide.

40. Use your tongue to swirl circles around his penis head when it’s in your mouth

When the head of his penis is in your mouth, you can use your tongue to swirl circles around it and it will feel amazing for him.

The head of his penis has the lion’s share of his pleasure receptors, so swirling your tongue around it will send him into orbit.

41. Wear different outfits or articles of clothing you know he likes

If your man is especially visually oriented, it can be fun to play with different outfits or pieces of clothing that you know he’ll like.

You know your man better than anyone, so if there’s a body part of yours that you know he loves most, see if you can something to wear that features or highlights that part of you even more.

This tip gains even more value when you’ve followed the first couple of blow job tips in this list (told him ahead of time that he’s going to get a blowjob, and tease him about it via text throughout the day), and then (surprise!) you also show up in a brand new, sexy outfit he’s never seen you in before.

I hope you like compliments and praise. Because you’re going to be positively showered with them after you pull off this little number.

42. Use variation in your technique

Variety is the spice of life!

So don’t just do one thing the whole way through, as that won’t be nearly as pleasurable for him.

Mix and match different blowjob techniques so that he can never quite predict what you’ll do next. Want some next level blowjob technique to round out your sexual toolkit? Check out my Queen of Blowjobs program.

43. Swallow if you want to

If you opt for your man to orgasm while still in your mouth, many men enjoy the feeling of acceptance that comes from having their partner swallow their cum. But you absolutely don’t have to.

So if this is something you’re able to do and want to do, go for it. But it’s something that is challenging for you to do, read the next tip.

44. If you want to swallow but find it difficult to do so…

Keep a glass of a drink nearby and swallow it with that. Almost like how you would take a pill or a supplement capsule.

45. You can also have him finish in your mouth and then you can spit it out elsewhere

For most men, finishing in your mouth is more the priority than you swallowing it.

Said another way, if the option is to finish in your mouth and have you spit it out versus having him not finish in your mouth, most men would take the former. And, as always, you get to choose whatever it is that works best for you.

If you choose to have him finish in your mouth and then you want to spit it out, you can either spit it into a nearby garbage can, a tissue, a small cloth, a cup, or down a sink.

46. Enjoyment, presence, love, and enthusiasm

Above all else, the most important blow job tips in this list come down to you finding a way to truly and honestly enjoy yourself.

This sexual practice won’t be sustainable or fun for either of you if you don’t enjoy giving them, so that is of the utmost importance.

If you don’t yet love giving blowjobs, I would highly recommend checking out this specific program, as it helps you overcome that exact issue.

47. Use your words at the end

Even if your man is 90% in a blissed out sex coma, using your words after he’s finished can be truly powerful.

What should you say? Depending on your relationship and the mood of the day, you can either thank him (“Mmm… thank you”), or say “I love you.”

This is the icing on the cake that makes his post-coital euphoria even more magical. 

Want More Advanced Blowjob Tips?

My wife Demetra and I recently co-created a next-level online program that helps you to take your blowjob game into the stratosphere.

You can go through the entire thing in an afternoon, and for the rest or your life you will be equipped with a ton of blowjob expertise that will consistently make your man’s eyes roll into the back of his head.

Curious to learn more advanced-level blow job tips? Check out Queen of Blowjobs today. Over 1,000+ women from all around the world have gone through the program and seen amazing results with it.

This could be the most high-leverage time you ever spend working on your sex life. Pick up access to Queen of Blowjobs today, and your life (and the strength and quality of your intimate relationship) will never be the same.

Dedicated to your success,


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