1. Never put your partner down.
I find that most people in relationships usually want to get back to “that feeling” they had when they first fell in love. From my personal experience, this loss of feeling comes from both parties losing the respect they had for each other when they first met. Remember, your love won’t be perfect, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve your respect and love. Don’t try to make your partner “better.” You love them just like you did the first time you met them. Don’t let time change that.
2. Never let your partner put you down.
Personal integrity is a valuable asset. Lose it and you lose your identity as a being. Everyone deserves to be treated with value and love. If your partner disrespects you, talk to them about it. Let them know how you feel. If it’s not something they’re willing to change…find someone else. It may not seem like it now, but you’ll be happier in the long run.
3. Keep it romantic.
Contrary to popular belief, romance doesn’t just exist. You really have to put in the effort to keep it alive after a while. It doesn’t have to be too much. In fact, the most romantic people I know just take the time to do the little things to make their partner feel special. Commit to doing at least something romantic every day. Remember, even taking the time to really listen to your partner’s day can be considered romantic!
4. Always be honest.
Nothing damages a relationship more than dishonesty, even a white lie. In any situation, honesty is the best policy. This also means… don’t put yourself in a situation where you feel you need to lie. Relationships are built on trust. Once damaged it is difficult to rebuild. Avoid falling into this trap at all costs.
More Relationships: Love, Sex & Romance Advice: