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3 common sexual behaviors that ruin relationships

3 common sexual behaviors that ruin relationships

Sexy, ok?

Sex is an important but sometimes complicated part of a relationship.

From not using condoms extensively to abstaining from them even when they are used, this seems to be a problem that Generation Z is particularly struggling to solve.

Sex is an important but sometimes complicated part of a relationship.


But some experts share some common mistakes that can ruin the mood, or even ruin an entire relationship.

But if you’ve already made those moves, don’t worry: They also share tips on how to fix problems and spice things up even better.

Ignoring your partner’s needs and boundaries

Ignoring your partner’s needs and boundaries can make sex less enjoyable for both of you. Prostock-studio –

Relationship coach Katie Flowers told the Daily Mail: “Behaviours that ignore one partner’s needs or boundaries often lead to problems.”

“When intimacy becomes a one-sided experience, with the needs of one partner taking precedence over the comfort or enjoyment of the other, it can lead to relationship breakdown.”

Fortunately, the reverse is also true. Connecting and communicating with your partner will make both of you feel more comfortable so you can fully enjoy the experience.

Annabelle Knight, sex and relationship expert at UK sex toy and lingerie supplier Lovehoney, told the Daily Mail: “If you’re only thinking about yourself when it comes to sex and not considering your partner’s pleasure, then your relationship will break down.”

For example, skipping foreplay and jumping right into penetration can be tiresome for both parties and make sex less enjoyable.

Sex is about more than just getting to the so-called finish line—it’s about communicating, not talking dirty, and having fun.

Begging for sex

Repeatedly pestering your partner into performing sexual acts they’re not interested in can kill the mood—not to mention lose their trust. NDABCREATIVITY –

Cindy Gallop, activist and founder of sex self-help website MakeLoveNotPorn, told the Daily Mail that asking “the other person to do something they don’t want to do” and “nagging” can also kill the mood.

She noted that this usually happens when a man pesters a woman for anal sex.

“Men want anal sex. But you can’t have anal sex if your partner doesn’t want to try it,” Gallop says. “You can’t get anal sex by begging her, insisting ‘other people do it,’ or sending her porn videos.”

Instead, experts advise focusing on your partner’s pleasure “in every creative way possible,” and they may be more willing to explore new moves with you.

“Make sure your sex life is all about [them]and give [them] Such a wonderful time, [they] There will be an increased willingness to explore new experiences together,” Gallop said.

Believe there is one right way to have sex

While there are certainly some wrong ways to have sex, there isn’t necessarily a right way. fizkes –

While there are certainly some wrong ways to have sex (as mentioned above), there isn’t necessarily a right way to have sex.

“One of the biggest mistakes people can make in the bedroom is thinking there is one ‘right’ way to have sex,” Knight says.

“It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about performance or whether you’re doing something wrong, but remember that sex is all about connection and pleasure.”

People often compare their sex lives to others, but there is no set standard for how often they should have sex.

As long as you are comfortable with the frequency of use, that should be enough.

“There’s also a lot of pressure on people to have more sex, but honestly, quality is more important than quantity,” Knight said.

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