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13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets

13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets


Honey contains endocrine gonads, which have obvious biological activity and can activate the gonads. In addition, bee sugar is easily absorbed by the blood, which is very beneficial to the formation of sperm. Royal jelly contains aspartic acid, which can promote development, improve sexual function, stimulate reproductive ability, enhance body resistance, promote metabolism, and improve hematopoietic function.

13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets 13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets


As a high-protein food, protein is similar to the composition of human protein, so the absorption rate of protein by the human body reaches 99.7% (milk accounts for only 85%). At the same time, eggs are the best nutritional additives to improve human sexual function.

green onions

Medical research shows that onions are rich in nutrients. It contains a variety of plant hormones and vitamins, which can ensure the normal secretion of human hormones, thus aphrodisiac and replenishing yin. Onions and garlic also have this effect.


The caffeine in chocolate not only wakes up the brain, but also has antidepressant effects like taking stimulants and increases sexual desire. The purer the chocolate, the more caffeine it contains and the better its aphrodisiac effect. In addition, chocolate contains a substance called phenylethylamine, which can release the intoxicating feeling of falling in love in the brain.


Considered for centuries as an aphrodisiac food, its mysterious effects are actually closely linked to Greek mythology. Of course, its high price and very rich nutrition are indeed fascinating and can regulate mood on special days.


Although it can bring a romantic atmosphere and relieve tension and worries, in fact, alcohol is a depressant, exciting at first and inhibiting at a later stage, so it should only be tasted too much, it will lead to poor sexual performance.


The spice is said to be a natural aphrodisiac because its strong smell is intoxicating. In addition, pepper stimulates blood circulation and mustard stimulates the gonads? ? Indian curry is the first choice because its ingredients include more than ten spices such as ginger powder, hutu, mustard, red pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, fennel and leaves. In addition, Westerners use basil in cooking as an aphrodisiac, especially because its rich aroma can provide a magical and seductive sensory stimulation.

Chinese chives

The name “Qiyangcao” is found in the pharmacopoeia. Not only is it tender and fresh, but it is also rich in nutrients. According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, leeks can replenish the liver and treat frequent urination and bedwetting. Leeks can also warm and tonify the liver and kidneys, and help the yang and essence, because leek seeds are an irritant that can nourish the kidneys, treat the belts, and warm the waist and knees.


Nutritional research conducted in the UK has shown that the thyroid gland is largely responsible for libido and stimulation. Low thyroid activity can reduce sexual activity and libido, and seaweed contains more iodine than any other plant or animal. Iodine deficiency or deficiency can also lead to miscarriage, decreased male sexual function, decreased sexual desire, etc. Therefore, regular consumption of seaweed foods such as kelp, seaweed, wakame, etc. can promote sexual interest.

Wheat germ oil

Europeans have a way to improve sexual function, which is to grind malt into powder, mix it with milk and honey, and drink a cup before going to bed, which can not only increase nutrition but also improve sexual function. Indeed, wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which can stimulate sperm production, improve men’s heart function and sexual ability, and prevent and control male and female infertility, miscarriage and premature birth in pregnant women. A serious lack of vitamin E in men can lead to penile degeneration and atrophy, reduced secretion of sex hormones, and loss of reproductive ability.


Various nuts are rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, especially their mineral content is higher than that of other foods. They are also an excellent source of protein, which can cause sexual desire and drive. Such as sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, etc. Red dates are also a food that enhances sexual desire. Women with qi deficiency and kidney deficiency often eat red dates, which can increase sexual desire.

Angelica sinensis

Angelica sinensis contains natural plant hormones, which can relieve symptoms caused by endocrine disorders, replenish blood, facilitate the circulation of people’s qi and blood, and be full of “sexual interest.”


13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets 1727058573 599 13 Common Foods Rich in Aphrodisiac Secrets

Rich in zinc, it participates in the synthesis of male hormones and the maintenance of normal prostate function. Studies have shown that men with a zinc deficiency in their body will experience a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm, accompanied by a decrease in sexual and reproductive functions, while women will experience symptoms such as weight loss and reduced vaginal secretions during intercourse. In addition, oysters have a similar effect, and eating them raw is the best way to preserve the zinc in oysters.

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