Adult Topic Blogs

121 Deep Questions to Ask Your Partner

Jordan Gray

Want to ask your partner some profound questions to create a stronger connection and intimacy? I’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re looking to spice up date night with a question or two, or you’re looking for a full weekend of in-depth dating with these questions, there’s something for everyone.

While they are intended for use with your significant other, most of the questions can also be used with friends, family, or for a game night with any/all of the above.

If you’re doing this with a partner, I recommend each of you do the following. Choose your 10 favorite questions for each question, write them on a list only you can see, and then take turns asking each other the questions of your choice. This way, you can ask your partner questions you want to know their answers to, and you’ll both be surprised by the questions the other person will ask you. Sound interesting? Very interesting!

Okay, without further ado, let’s get to the point.

121 Deep Questions You Can Ask Your Partner for a Better Connection

– What do you usually think about when you fall asleep?

– What was it like growing up in your hometown?

– If you had to teach an hour of content to a live audience, what would you teach? What kind of person do you most want in the audience?

– What are your three biggest fears?

– What is your biggest regret?

– In what ways could you benefit from more support?

– What is the worst vice in your life? What do you think this cost you? In what ways do you feel it has given or taught you?

– If you could magically experience a death that felt zero pain, and then immediately return to the same shape with nothing changed, what death would you want to experience?

– What three things do you absolutely love about yourself?

– Do you think you are good at catching the ball? Why or why not?

– Do you consider yourself a generous person? Why or why not?

– What major events in your life have made you who you are today?

– What signs might you notice in your life that you are growing?

– What is your definition of success?

– In what ways do you feel you resist love?

– What is the first word you want others to think of when they think of you?

– When was the last time you did something for yourself?

– What would you say are your top three strengths as a romantic partner?

– What are you most worried about? Why?

– What’s one thing you can forgive yourself for?

– What are you most proud of?

– Who do you need to appreciate more in your life?

– When was the last time you cried happy tears?

– What are you most likely to judge others for?

– Describe a time in your life when you felt truly happy.

– What are your major achievements in the past five years?

– If you could put a sentence on a billboard where the whole world would see it, what would it say?

– What is something you want but are a little afraid of actually receiving?

– Do you have any obstacles to love? If so, please tell me about one of them.

– What is an outdated belief about yourself that you are trying to let go of?

– When was the last time you did something for the first time?

– What motivates you in life? What really drives you?

– If you had to commit to one mantra for the next year, what would it be?

– What are three things you’re really good at?

– Tell me about a time when you got really, really good news.

– What is one thing you would like to be remembered for?

– What are three things you are looking forward to in the coming months?

– Tell me about a nurturing environment where you enjoy spending time.

– What is something you love to do that others seem to hate?

– What is something you hate doing that others love to do?

– What makes you feel most loved?

– If you were to plan the perfect day for yourself, what would it look like?

– What are the necessary ingredients that will make you thrive when they appear in your life?

– Tell me about one of the most beautiful parts of your childhood.

– What do you desire most in life?

– If you could snap your fingers and change one habit of yours instantly, what would it be? Why?

– Are you having any difficulties?

– What makes you feel most alive?

– Who inspires you and why?

– What beautiful things have you witnessed in your life?

– What are some things in your life today that have come true for you that you previously dreamed of?

– What do your favorite days have in common?

– What are five things you are grateful for today?

– What is one thing you hope to achieve in your life in five years?

– What is one thing about life that you are glad your mother or father taught you?

– What activities bring you joy and nourishment?

– Is there a day that you wish you could live again?

– What three things do you like most about yourself?

– What’s one thing you wish your parents would do differently?

– What makes you feel safest in a relationship?

– What’s one thing you wish more people knew about you?

– Have you had any interesting dreams recently?

– What is one of your biggest fears?

– What is your secret wish for the rest of your life?

– Is there anything worth bragging about?

– How have you changed or grown in the past 12 months?

– What is your favorite sexual experience? What did you enjoy so much about these experiences?

– Tell me your three favorite things about your appearance.

– What would your ideal sex life be like?

– What do you like about our current sex life?

– Is there anything you’d like to do more of in our sex life?

– Is there something new you’d like to try, but aren’t sure you’re allowed to want it or ask for it?

– Tell me about the first romantic kiss you loved.

– Did you have any important mentors in your life? What is the most important thing you learned from them?

– Is there a small thing in your life (that others might consider insignificant) that you are deeply grateful for?

– What is your most challenging relationship? Why?

– Tell me about an early memory of sexual desire or curiosity.

– How would your life change if you had $80 million in your bank account?

– If you had $100 million that had to be donated to one charity, who would it be?

– What are the three things you think about most when you are alone?

– If you were offered two lifetime unlimited balance gift cards that could be used at two real stores and only you could use or benefit from the purchase, which two stores would you choose?

– If you were guaranteed to live to 150 years old and be in good health, would you change your current lifestyle?

– What three things do you love about being a man/woman?

– What things make you feel safe?

– Do you feel you are good at handling conflict and confrontation? Why or why not?

– What are three simple pleasures that bring you great joy?

– What behaviors exhibited by others make you feel safe in a relationship?

As you die, what memory would you like to see flash before your eyes?

– What do you think your life might be like in 5, 10, 20 years?

– If there was one thing that was most likely to cause you to ruin everything good in your life, what would it be and why?

– What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? What makes you like it so much?

– Are you satisfied with the current trajectory of your life?

– What makes you feel most free?

– What are you most excited about in life right now?

– If you were given $20 million and you could only spend it on friends and family, what would you do with it?

– What was your first impression of the person who asked you this question?

– What are some things you can do today that you couldn’t do five years ago?

– What are your thoughts on money? What exactly is it? What do you think about this?

– If you could wave a magic wand and transform a (often considered) unhealthy food into the healthiest food you could possibly eat, what would that food be?

– If you found out you only had 12 months to live and you couldn’t change it, would you change your current lifestyle?

– Are there any scents that evoke strong, vivid memories? If so, what is an example of one of these scents?

– If you could say something to someone in your life that you have a hard time forgiving, what would you say?

– Do you consider yourself creative? Why or why not?

– If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

– How has your relationship with your sexuality evolved over time?

– What qualities do you most admire in your parents?

– Tell me about your first memory.

– When was the last time you did something that scared you?

– Tell me about the most challenging moment in your life. Then tell me how you got through it.

– What does a perfect date look like to you?

– Do you find it easier to love or to be loved? Why?

– If you had to live in spring, summer, autumn or winter for the next three years, which one would you choose and why?

– Who is a person that you are very grateful for and why?

– Do you want to be famous? If so, in what way? If not, why not?

– What would a perfect weekend getaway look like to you?

– If you could change anything about your childhood, what would it be?

– What are you most grateful for in your life?

– If a magic genie granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?

– If a magic crystal ball could tell you one thing about the future, what would you want to know?

– What is your most precious memory?

– What would you like most people to say or feel about you at your funeral?

You did it!

Well, that’s it!

I hope you enjoy this list and that it adds depth and connection to your relationship. Your relationships with significant others (current or future) and yourself.

Remember – you can use these questions multiple times. For example, you can return to them again and again because your answers to many of these questions will inevitably change over time.

Committed to your success,


poetry. If you liked this article about asking deep questions to your partner, you’ll also like the following:

– Apply for Jordan’s one-on-one tutoring

– 10 Questions to Ask When Deepening Your Relationship

– 5 questions to ask your partner for better sex

About Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray has been a sex and relationship coach for over 15 years, working with over 200 million people around the world. His work has been published in Vogue, GQ, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, and countless other publications around the world. When he’s not coaching one-on-one clients or writing new articles, he can most likely be found reading, chopping firewood, or spending time with his wife on a small island off the west coast of Canada.

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