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12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know – Salty Vixen

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen

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Do you want to take your cooking game beyond the microwave and can opener? You will need certain skills. To help you figure out which ones, here are some lists. Lots and lots of lists. This is one of them.

However, this is not, like many of these lists, a list of skills that every so-called “foodie” should possess, and let’s be honest, almost no one actually possesses many of these skills. need. Of course not everyone on earth need Be able to make your own mayonnaise, boil eggs, and even carve a turkey. In fact, some tasks, like making your own demi-glace or puff pastry dough, are so time-consuming and unnecessary that you’ll be better off no Know how to do it so you won’t be tempted to try it.

No, for most average people, these 12 basic cooking skills are all you really need to have. Started with…

1. Scrambled eggs

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen scrambled eggs perfect

Scrambled eggs to perfection

This should be the first cooking skill everyone learns. They should teach it in kindergarten. Beating eggs is not only the foundation and starting point for many recipes, but mastering the second part of the operation—actually cooking Eggs – Make sure you’re never more than five minutes away from your next meal. Especially if you can also operate a toaster. : See the recipe: How to Cook Perfect Scrambled Eggs.

2. Make an omelet

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen omlet


Indeed, if you can scramble eggs, you can also make an omelet. But more importantly, you should Make omelets. Why waste this skill? Omelets are meant to turn a home-cooked dinner of scrambled eggs and toast into something special. Maybe it’s even worth pairing it with a nice cloth napkin instead of half a paper towel.

3. Make pancakes

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen perfect pancake

perfect pancakes

In addition to a triple breakfast item that you can also serve for dinner, we’ve got pancakes for you! Is it a coincidence that the first step in making pancakes happens to be beating eggs? We think not. Since the number of variations and sub-variations (not to mention ingredients) is nearly infinite, learning to make pancakes means never having to eat the same meal twice.

4. Make a salad

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen perfect salad

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen perfect hamburger

perfect burger

Meat lovers rejoice! Your time on the list is up. If we’re talking about basic cooking skills, what meat is more basic than a burger? Of course, basic doesn’t necessarily mean mediocre, and there’s no reason to be mediocre. Since the average American eats one burger a week, it makes sense to master the art of burger-making. After all, if you can eat something 50 times a year, that’s probably not bad.

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen grill a steak

grilled steak

The same reasoning applies to steak Just like burgers, steaks are expensive. Anyway, it’s good. If you’re spending a lot of money on a piece of meat, you don’t want to ruin it by overcooking it, not letting it rest, or otherwise abusing it. By the way, Grilled steak won’t It must mean the outside. Check out this guide to learn the best ways to cook steak indoors.

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen perfect roast a chicken

Perfect grilled chicken

If grilled steak is the ultimate picnic food, then grilled chicken is the ultimate family dinner. With a mix of dark and white meat, off-the-bone tenderness combined with salty, crispy skin, grilled chicken not only satisfies your taste buds and fills your belly, but also satisfies all your senses. Not to mention, it makes your house smell great. Since it only takes 90 minutes, it can be easily enjoyed once a week.

8. Bake it

12 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know - Salty Vixen perfect garlic roast

Perfect garlic roast

More than a roast chicken, which needs to be trussed if nothing else, roast beef ribs or pork tenderloin are the ultimate “cook without really doing anything” option. The beauty of grilling is that you don’t even need to use a timer. Simply plug in a digital probe thermometer and set it to alert you when the center of the meat reaches your target temperature, Look——It’s done! Just don’t forget to let it rest before slicing.

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