We’ve all been there, haven’t we? The ambiance is perfect, the sex is earth-shattering, and you’re so engrossed in climaxing with your partner, but all of a sudden, you realize the damage is done. His pull-out game wasn’t good, and now you are scared. Or even if he pulled out well, you keep asking yourself, “Can you get pregnant with pull-out method?” And in case it’s a one-night stand, you don’t even know if you’ll end up with some STI. Likewise, not knowing the signs he didn’t pull out in time can destroy your mental peace after a goof-up like this.
In this article, we have collaborated with Ahmedabad-based senior gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Riddhi Shukla (MD, DGO, PGDHCM, CIMP, Cosmetic Gynecological Surgeon from the European College Of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, and Fellow in Psychosexual Medicine from JSSMM), who also runs an exclusive female sexual wellness and aesthetic gynecology clinic, to offer some valuable insights into the pull-out method, along with signs that your partner probably didn’t pull out in time, tips on how to handle the situation, and details on some alternative contraceptive methods.
How Effective Is The Pull-Out Method
Does pulling out actually work? Let’s answer this question before we get on to the signs he didn’t pull out in time. We have gathered some interesting statistics on the effectiveness of this method. According to a Planned Parenthood study, 22 out of 100 women who were part of the study got pregnant using the pull-out method.
This is a poor record. Likewise, an Elle article mentions that about 18 out of 100 women get pregnant using condoms and only 9 out of 100 get pregnant using contraceptive pills. So, the answer to “How effective is the pull-out method, really?” is that the pull-out method isn’t really as effective as the other popular methods of contraception. Additionally, as Dr. Riddhi Shukla says, “The chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are extremely high in this method.”
11 Signs He Didn’t Pull Out In Time
Can you get pregnant with pull-out method? Well, you certainly can. But interestingly, it seems that most young women like the pull-out method. If we go by a HuffPost article, the pull-out game is a favorite with a majority of women in the US. And yet, it turns into a horror story when your man fails to pull out in time. Pregnancy scares apart, you are also at the risk of health issues, such as UTIs and STIs.
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Is the pull-out method worth it? Well, going by the pleasure quotient, yes. But on a more serious note, as mentioned in the previous section, pulling out is not the best method of getting intimate if the thought of getting pregnant makes you anxious. Nonetheless, in case you and your partner choose the withdrawal method anyway, how do you know that he has goofed up while pulling out? We have jotted down some signs he didn’t pull out in time, to help you avert a major disaster:
1. Unusual wetness
Dr. Shukla says, “The first and foremost sign that he didn’t pull out in time is when you feel excessive wetness all of a sudden.” Now, this feeling of wetness is not the wetness caused by lubricants or the natural wetness a woman experiences while sex. This wetness will be a little different in terms of feeling, as the texture of semen varies from that of lubricants.
2. Thick fluid in your vagina
Dr. Shukla explains, “Another one of the signs he didn’t pull out in time is when you see thick fluid oozing out or flowing out of your vagina. The fluid is most likely semen.” Now, while individual signs and sensations may vary, the presence of thick fluid in your vagina post-intercourse is most likely a sign that he didn’t pull out in time. Dr. Shukla adds, “In addition, you may feel extra stickiness too, in case he failed to pull out in time.”
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3. Mid-intercourse loss of erection
Dr. Shukla explains, “A possible indication of the fact that he failed to pull out in time is when you notice his penis turning less erect or soft inside the vagina. It signals that he has ejaculated already.” This is because the penis tends to shrink as soon as all the blood that had gone to make it bigger and erect slowly returns to the other parts of the body after ejaculation.
Now, a point to be noted here is that this may not always prove to be a sure-shot sign of the pull-out having failed. The penis losing its erection can be caused by erectile dysfunction, which in turn, can be caused by multiple reasons such as:
- Aging
- Performance anxiety
- Side effects of certain medication
- Chronic diseases, such as hypertension and heart disease
The first and foremost sign that he didn’t pull out in time is when you feel excessive wetness all of a sudden.
– Dr. Shukla
4. Breathing patterns of the male partner may change
Dr. Shukla says, “A prominent sign of the failure of the pull-out method is when the breathing patterns of the male partner change mid-intercourse. That’s when you know that he has already ejaculated inside the vagina.” Debbie, a 25-year-old teacher, wrote to us saying, “It was all going good till I noticed he had begun breathing heavily. I was sure he had already come inside me.”
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5. Drowsiness in the male partner
If your partner stops mid-intercourse and says he’s feeling drowsy, it’s an indication that he’s probably ejaculated already. Now, this drowsiness has a scientific explanation. Studies have shown that men feel sleepy, drowsy, or tired after ejaculation because of the mixture of hormones that the male body releases, including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, and prolactin. Of these, prolactin, oxytocin, and vasopressin are the main factors behind post-orgasm drowsiness. These hormones also cause them to distance themselves after intimacy.
6. The thrusting movements stop
Dr. Shukla says, “Once you notice your partner has stopped his thrusting movements during sex, you can be sure that he has already ejaculated inside your vagina.” Now, scientifically known as intravaginal pelvic thrusting, this movement is necessary for ejaculation in almost all mammals. And once this stops, you’ll know he didn’t pull out in time and has possibly ejaculated inside you.
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7. Change in your male partner’s facial expression
If your male partner’s facial expression changes mid-intercourse, you will know he probably didn’t pull out in time. Now, the facial expression can be:
- An expression of shock at having ejaculated before pulling out
- An expression of having reached orgasm
Here’s what a reader, 34-year-old accountant Sally, wrote to us about a similar experience: “Last week, my partner and I had a romp that lasted a few hours. But by the end of the third round of sex, I realized the expression on his face had changed from satisfaction to that of concern. He seemed hesitant to tell me what it was, initially, but when I asked him later, he clearly said he wasn’t sure he had pulled out in time. I had to resort to the morning-after pill eventually.”
8. A typical sensation in the vagina
Roy, a 30-year-old chef, wrote to us, “I feel I messed up during sex with my girlfriend last week. I pulled out, should I be worried? She told me she felt warm inside after we made love. Is it a sign I perhaps didn’t pull out in time? What if my girlfriend is pregnant now?” You see, women often feel the warmth of semen, even if it’s a few drops when a man doesn’t pull out in time. Additionally, Dr. Shukla says, “Some women are more aroused due to the increased wetness of the vagina due to their partner’s semen.”
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9. Sudden questioning
At times, your partner may start questioning you right after sex. These questions can be:
- About your menstrual cycle: When a male partner asks you about your menstrual cycle or when you last had your period, it’s a sign that they may be calculating whether you can pregnant during the time you had sex
- About your satisfaction: Some partners may give you indirect cues, such as asking you whether you liked it this way or whether they satisfied you in bed, not hinting directly that they doubt whether they pulled out in time
- About whether it’s safe for you to consider other contraceptive methods: He can ask you whether you’re fine with trying the morning-after pills, in case his pull-out game doesn’t work
These questions and more can hint at the fact that he failed to pull out in time.
10. Specific sensations in your partner
From a tickling sensation to mild tremors with a burning sensation, your partner can go through a whole series of sensations during ejaculation. Communication is key in such cases. So, in case you have a gut feeling that your partner may not have pulled out in time, ask him about what he felt and when he felt it.
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11. Stickiness
Dr. Shukla says, “Stickiness (and not sliminess) in your vagina can be a major sign that your partner hasn’t pulled out in time.” This sticky fluid is likely to be sperm or even the pre-ejaculation fluid (or pre-cum). You will also find traces of pre-cum at the tip of his urethra. Though he may not have ejaculated in you, pre-cum can also contain sperm at times and be equally impactful in making a baby.

9 Things to Do If He Didn’t Pull Out In Time
Now that you know the answer to “Does pulling out actually work?” and are aware of the signs that your partner didn’t pull out in time, let’s look at how to fix this situation. Yes, we get it, you will be worried sick if you’re not ready to conceive but are anxious about whether he came inside you. Even if he pulled out, you may be worried whether the withdrawal method actually works. In this section, we will offer a detailed low-down on this situation. What does it mean if he doesn’t pull out in time? And what should you do? Well, check out the following tips offered by Dr. Shukla:
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1. Don’t panic
The first thing you should be doing in case you see signs he didn’t pull out in time is to not panic. Here are some tips:
- Stay calm and analyze the situation
- Try to communicate with him and ask him whether he thinks he failed to withdraw in time
- Take a few minutes to figure out the next plan of action
2. Get up immediately
Dr. Shukla says, “As soon as you gain some composure, get up immediately. Forget about climaxing. Try and wipe off as much semen as you can from your genitals.” Though this will not ensure you’re out of trouble, this can be a good place to start.
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3. Rush to the bathroom
Now, the next step is to go straight to the washroom. Dr. Shukla explains, “Pee immediately after you feel your partner may have ejaculated inside you.” Now, this may not help you avert pregnancy, but it so happens that urinating right after unsafe sex reduces the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). This is because peeing helps clean your vagina from bacteria that causes UTIs.
Apart from the risk of pregnancy and urinary tract infection, unsafe sex, due to the failure of the withdrawal method, may lead to serious sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs and STIs).
– Dr. Shukla
4. Mark your day of the cycle
If you have a regular menstrual cycle and are not affected by irregular periods due to infertility/PCOD or other health issues, you will have a fair idea of your ovulation patterns. Try and mark your day of the cycle and ascertain how close you are to your fertile window. This will help you get rid of some anxiety regarding whether or not you can get pregnant.
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5. Consider taking the morning-after pill
The morning-after pill is the safest bet in case your partner failed to pull out in time. Plan B and other levonorgestrel pills can be taken from 3-5 days (72-120 hours), and are quite safe. However, keep these tips in mind:
- Make sure you have them as soon as possible, as the effectiveness of these pills depends on how soon you take them
- Likewise, don’t make it a habit to pop in morning-after/emergency contraceptive pills whenever you wish, as these pills have certain side effects, such as vaginal bleeding, fatigue, nausea, etc
- Consult an ob/gyn before you take the pill if you have any underlying medical condition
6. Rush to get an STD test done
What does it mean if he doesn’t pull out in time? Dr. Shukla says, “Apart from the risk of pregnancy and urinary tract infection, unsafe sex, due to the failure of the withdrawal method, may lead to serious sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs and STIs).” So, don’t forget to get tested for STDs such as HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis, at your nearest health clinic. But be informed that most of these tests are effective only after 2-3 weeks.
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7. Get a pregnancy test done
If your period is late, get a pregnancy test done. However, this takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks. In the meantime, if you’re panicking about the consequences of unsuccessful withdrawal, consider talking to a gynecologist. Ask them the question that has been bothering you, “What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection?” If you discover you’re pregnant, talk to your gynecologist about the options available. Then, talk to your partner about how you want to handle the situation.

8. Prepare for the next time
It’s always wise to educate yourself and be safe for the next time around. You can follow these steps to go about it:
- Sit down with your partner and discuss what went wrong
- Watch educational videos to learn about safe sex and the withdrawal method
- Keep emergency contraceptive pills handy in case the same issue occurs again
Related Reading: The Worst Sex List of the last decade
9. Explore alternate contraceptive options
What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection? Well, it depends on where you’re in your menstrual cycle. However, given how serious the consequences can be, it’s best not to take that chance. Explore the best contraceptive options available in the market. Choose the best that suits your needs and affordability.
Infographic On Methods Of Contraception That Are More Effective Than The Pull-Out Technique

Now that we know that the pull-out method isn’t as effective as we thought it was, let’s focus on some alternative methods of contraception that are in use these days:
Key Pointers
- The withdrawal method/pull-out method success rate isn’t too heartening
- Apart from getting pregnant, you can get STIs and UTIs too if the pull-out method doesn’t work
- Some signs he didn’t pull out in time are mid-intercourse loss of erection, a change in the facial expression of your male partner, and an unusual stickiness in the vagina
- Some tips to deal with this situation are: peeing after sex, opting for a pregnancy test, and going for an STI test
Final Thoughts
We hope you now have clarity on the question, how effective is the pull-out method? As we have already stated, studies claim the pull-out method success rate isn’t too heartening. Likewise, apart from the anxiety over a possible pregnancy, the pull-out method (since it is ‘unsafe sex’ after all) can also cause STIs/STDs and UTIs. We think it’s advisable to approach a gynecologist in case you notice the signs he didn’t pull out in time.
To save yourself the anxiety and sleepless nights after mere moments of unsafe pleasure in bed, try and opt for better and more effective contraceptive options. This is also applicable to all men out there who are wondering, “I pulled out, should I be worried?”
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