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Why are erotic novels so successful? By Salty Vixen – Salty

Why are erotic novels so successful? By Salty Vixen - Salty

Why are erotic novels so successful? By Salty Vixen - Salty pinup woman typewriter

Although the word “pornography” only has seven letters, its meaning is very broad and all-encompassing.

It alone conjures up images of ourselves, like dreams that we have when we are awake or asleep. There is hardly a man alive who has not secretly or openly stared at a Page Three girl, fantasizing about what they would do if she were in front of them. Although many people vehemently deny it, women do stare at handsome movie stars and television celebrities, not to mention the handsome guys walking down the street, and fantasize about them. Stories and novels are written from such fantasies.

Erotica is a very powerful genre in fiction writing.

We always start by writing down our fantasies. There is no better place to start. Perhaps over the years, what you have pictured in your mind may resonate with other readers and may very well become a reality after being written down on paper. Because, you have experienced it time and time again.

While this is a good start, there is a caveat. Remember that not everyone will be attracted to the same things as you, so why not see if you can add some other elements: for example, if you’re writing a straight romance scene, why not add a little lesbian romance to pique the interest of those who also like that kind of romance? There are lots of ways to do this. Just think in a different light a bit, rather than focusing on what you yourself like.

In all short story writing, characterization, plot, and narrative must come together to form a coherent and satisfying whole. With erotica writing, you need to add another element, one that makes it challenging—before people get together, they need a reason. In real life, mutual attraction might be enough. But for stories, it’s not. People need reasons to do something. If the husband is attracted to the woman next door and does something about it, rather than just looking at her, we need to know why he’s tempted to cheat. Is it because his wife is a bitch or an ice cube; or have they been married too long? Think about why the people in your family do what they do before you ask them to do something.

Plot, this should go without saying, you should have some sort of storyline, even if it depends on people getting in and out of bed, or somewhere else! It still needs to tie into some sort of theme or plot.

Narration. In erotic writing, this is one of the most important elements. A frequent complaint of mine and other editors is how little consideration is given to body parts or body movements: we see the same words over and over again. If possible, try to avoid vulgar words, basic words, words that were meant to be curse words, because they lose some of their impact. There are other words too!

There are other ways to describe the parts of women that men admire and desire: There are other names for the parts of the body that women admire and desire. The problem is how to find them. Consult a thesaurus and check your own imagination! Don’t always go for the obvious. In this field of writing, clichés are to be avoided at all costs… Believe it or not, I also saw the classic line “Her breath was short”. It was at that moment that I, as a publishing company, decided to reject the book…

This ties right into the section above discussing how to write about our fantasies. We writers often give the excuse for overusing a word as “it’s the most erotic word I know”; ignoring the fact that others may be offended by the word or simply disgusted by it. Always be considerate of the other person. Two men staring at a picture can have two very different fantasies about a woman.

With the editor-in-chief’s approval, I used the “search and replace” function in my computer to remove these words wherever they were used – at first. If the conversation required it, I would restore them when reviewing the manuscript. Otherwise, they remained out. The computer automatically counted the number of replacements: when the number 359 appeared at the bottom of the screen, you knew someone hadn’t been working very hard…

Conversation is important too. In the heat of the moment we are unlikely to start discussing the prospect of a team being relegated, or to say politely, “Dear, could you do that again, that was so delightful”, yes I have seen that conversation…

Erotica covers an almost unlimited range of human activity. It naturally falls into several major categories, which in turn include several subcategories.

These are: “straight guys” who just want to see normal sex stories, gay media, infantilism, rubber and PVC lovers, fetish lovers, transvestites, transsexuals, bondage and s/m

To give you an example of how wide each scene is – in the SM field alone we have submissive men and dominant women, dominant men and submissive women, those who can play different roles in the same session, those who enjoy girl-on-girl roles, and those who go a step further and get into true slave situations.Bondage covers everything from simply tying someone up to complex and elaborate contraptions, belts, and ropes.

And so it went on.

The field of erotica is vast enough to give you endless variations, but – once you decide what you want to write about, you have to stick to it. If your story is about women/dominance, e.g. For example, unless there is a very good reason for your heroine to change, it must remain the same. This applies to all other areas as well. Your target audience is important, always keep them in mind.

Erotica needs lots of sex, but it can also be backed by a solid storyline. No matter how outrageous your characters are, they still need reasons to do things and be what they do.

As you’ll see from all of this, it’s not the easiest field to be in; but it’s challenging and rewarding in many ways. Interested in writing? Any editor will respect your anonymity under a pseudonym, and many will welcome newcomers who can bring new perspectives, understandings, and writing skills to the art of erotica.

Salty Vixen’s article on Scribd, “Why is erotic fiction so successful?”

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